He clearly has some kind of horrible skin disease. I suspect a terrible, terrible case of psoriasis. He needs the shirts to catch all the flaking skin falling off his body. It must be truly horrendous to look upon. And they have drugs for it now and he still doesn’t look much better.

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Being trapped in a fart-filled tin can with a rampant ego wrapped in a fleshbag.

Fucking nirvana.

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Or Chiron Beta Prime.

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Pretty quick on a yatch.https://nypost.com/2020/08/...

He is a flight risk and should be treated as such.

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"guy who decided it was a hoax because he didn't want it to hurt his re-election, and allowed mass death"That’s also “guy who was to stupid to realize that he could make the easy decision to just do what the experts told him, come out looking well, save lives, not fuck up the economy more than necessary, and win re-election”.

But that wouldn’t have stroked his ego, and so of course hundreds of thousands of people had to die.

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"This was because Hamilton recognized that Burr was an amoral slimeball who'd do anything for power. He was Ted Cruz, but with some redeeming qualities."

Damn.... black-hole level shade. Well done.

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That point was raised when they lowered interest rates to near zero.

Having an Econ degree, I realize that a lot of orthodox theory is based on bullshot assumptions and is really designed to justify capitalist actions.

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That'll lower it, by Gosh!

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This is My lipo, sucked out for Thee, Do this in remembrance...?

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Shocking, i know😛

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They should absolutely be taxed but this idea that the space launches they fund are frivolous is just not accurate.

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So I am not completely ignorant and crazy on this one topic?

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They will declare that Biden is not doing enough to protect from covid while claiming covid is a hoax, the vaccines don't work, Ivermectin does work, you don't die from covid... what have I missed?

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Nope. But he knows if he pretends to have a political future (and a moronic media buys it) he can sell books and swag and get paid appearances, and cash in after years on a government salary.

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Not at all.

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The pay per view would be off the charts for a Perlman v Jordan wrestling match. I'd empty my savings account to watch.

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