oh man, and he was so happy to have something to wave around, he had the proof and after all the sadness and shame of the last week he deserved to dish out some paybacks but no - no the devils press has those evil facts again.- now it's back to - i don't owe them monies, i know nothing, i plead the 4th, or is it the 5th - shit call Hannity

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"Hey Rocky - watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.""Aw Billwinkle, that trick never works. And don't make me have to hit you like I did to that dumb kid when I was little!"

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The Purge in the Rethuglican Party after the election is inevitable and it will be ugly. Hard to know who will prevail. The old school Reactionary Right or the Christo-facists. Whichever side wins, the others will be out in the cold. Night of the long knives but whose knives are longer? That means a new right wing third party patched together by the loser.

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There are 17 wanabees this time around. How many will there be in '20?

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ALL THE UPVOTES for Billwinkle!

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Weren't they staff officers in the FUSAG? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Will this help in finding it?https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Real Housewives of the Gulag.

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I wasn't even talking about a Palestinian state, but suffice it to say that Israel certainly hasn't given them one.

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I've got extra virgin olive oil. Does that count?

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My sister is very high up in the ADL and she has NO truck with that sort of ongoing, constant, lies and falsehoods. We also have a lot of family in Israel, including thems as survived the Lodz ghetto and so forth, and I just won't let that stuff stand. It's really wretched how the story gets twisted against us, constantly, and yes, the fact of simply standing up for ourselves gets us called names. I saw you valiantly standing up and had to jump in. Thank you!

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That article was from 2012 and the trend towards nationalism, militarism, and racism that it identifies has only accelerated since then. The questions, both those about hypothetical future situations and about the status quo, show that most Israelis do not regard the Arabs as equals and do not think Arabs should be entitled to equal rights. Nor does the Israeli constitution grant them equal rights, nor are they treated equally under the law. And these policies enjoy popular support, not fringe support.

You are correct that there are people in the USA who aspire to implement bigoted policies. But the fact is that Israel has already implemented those policies and they exist without any controversy. Take one of the most extreme, controversial proposals by the far-right: Trump's ban on Muslim immigration. The fact is that Israeli has already implemented Donald Trump's ban on Muslim refugees. Israeli has enacted Trump's stance on Muslim immigration for decades and its not even controversial therer. There's no comparison between the United States and Israel. Not in their constitutions, not in their laws, and not in effects.

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<3 <3 <3

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Made a slight adjustment to the monitor for you. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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