The acreage of stripes in that picture is giving me vertigo.

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but who's mom wears combat boots ?

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A zebra had seizures .

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Don't these asshole want to eliminate birthright citizenship? I guess it's not just the "hard core birthers" who think that you must be born in the US to US citizens to be a natural born citizen, Ted Cruz.

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IANAL but seriously doubt that the USSC would uphold any ruling that said a man could pass on his citizenship to his child but a woman couldn't. Wouldn't this violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Ammendment?

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New York is exactly America. It's the places inhabited by superstitious hicks who fawn over Trump and Cruz that I have my doubts about.

BTW, New Yorkers can't stand Trump and his "NY values" either, whateverthefuck that even means, so fuck you Ted. Oh wait, the Daily News said it for us already - should be a fun time if the douchebag ever gets up the gall to visit the city.

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so you came across the Bering Strait rather than the Atlantic, BFD.

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You'd be surprised. I know Iowa gets a lot of jabs, most of them deserved, but it is actually a fairly sane state all things being equal. Even their wingnuts are more sane than other state's wingnuts (by a marginal degree, I mean they are gonna vote for one of these assholes so there is that)

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I love that the liberal media (which does not exist, it is all conservative media, except for mommy blogs and proggie rags) is chewing Teddy up but sometimes I wonder if that is not to make him more sympathetic to the base to try to wean 'em off the Trump.

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That was super long so I did not read it all but I feel the need to offer you a cookie all the same.

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Dude, again, no one is voting for Trump and you should feel shame in your body areas.

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Renaissance Technologies. Why does that sound like one of them pyramid type scam companies?

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Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!...

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Well, at least he's home again...

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