...is what I hope we'll all be saying on November 3.

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The most curious (too mild of a word) thing about Donald is how many people are complicit to his crimes. Maybe we can understand his family giving him everything he wants and overlooking all is flaws and crimes, the family name and Donnie is a golden boy after all. However the list goes on and on of people and companies that could have put a stop to his crimes-banks, insurance companies, lawyers, bankruptcy court, governmental bodies, journalists and writers and now congress and the justice department but not one of them has stepped in to try to stop him in anyway. It is really inexplicable.

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that's the perfect analogy.

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Trump still thinks the pandemic is jut a PR problem. :=(

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I was a (young, larval) computer geek in the late '80s and early '90s, and I had plenty of reason to not like Gates and Microsoft.

After he shifted from plutocracy to philanthropy, Gates has done a lot of good for the world. After Balmer left and Nadella took over and they realized other platforms are not the enemy, Microsoft became noticeably less evil.

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Dude, that commercial was about IBM, not Microsoft.

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I'm so sorry. 😢😭

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IBM, running DOS. So yeah, Bill gates. It was more of a software war than a hardware war.

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Please distribute at all mask/vaccine protests: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I’m assuming some major contracts are going to GOP operatives for them to crap out a “Be Best”-like logo

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A quarter of a billion dollars to make the MAGA-ites feel justified in voting for him.

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PR as in Puerto Rico....?

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“Hey, remember when the GOP lost their shit because...” is the beginning of my least favorite Pepperidge Farm commercials.

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250 million of our tax dollars for trump campaign commercials convincing everyone this is the bestest and most wonderful of all possible Americas due to Fear Leader's steady hand on the helm guiding our ship of state. Fuuuccckkk you grr.

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