Doesn't he like the brown folk mowing the grass and doing laundry at Mar-a-Grifter?.

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The 12th of never. When poets run out of rhyme, that's a long, long time.

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And it will become a pilgrimage destination for wingnuts.But that's in hippie yuppie icky disgusting liberal CALIFORNIA!

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All three.

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I simply cannot listen to him talk. I can't stand his tone, his arrogance, his pacing, everything about his speaking voice makes me cringe.

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They'll have lobbyists "creative" themselves in pen in the margins.

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It's Republican English. Elizabeth DeVos said it's ok.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's going to build a big, beautiful, impenetrable concrete wall thirty feet high and Mexico will pay for it. And construction has begun and the wall is rising even as he speaks. And he's absolutely going to close the border completely, right away, if illegal immigrants don't stop coming and the drugs don't stop coming.Besides which, and additionally, also too, he just claimed for at least the fourth time that his father Fred was born in Germany when he was, as a matter of solid record, born in New York. But leave it to DJT always to cap his last idiocy. Addressing a Jewish room, he demanded of those present, as Emily Shugerman reports on the DAILY BEAST, "How the hell did you support President Obama? How did you do it? How did you support the Democrats?"Just one tiny PR pratfall there. He was addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition.

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has Trump even thought of taking out the middle man and just tariff the drugs instead

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You mean you aren't all wearing your tiny tactical vests as you creep about your warzone?

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Pad the walls in the Oval Office

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I'll stipulate. Maybe I should rephrase to "the drugs doing the most harm to people I know personally". I've had family members OD on oxy.

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There is now a plaque there saying it is "the first section of President Trump's border wall."

I'd say I'd steal that & put on my living room wall, except I'm pretty sure other people are going to beat me to it.

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I live less than an hour from the border in AZ. Everyone laughs at the idea of an "invasion". Sure, the migrants do cause problems for property owners right on the border (litter and broken cattle fences, mostly) and yes there is drug smuggling, and TBF the border towns do disproportionately absorb most of the costs in local law enforcement and health and social services, but not even the conservatives buy into the armageddon BS coming from the dotard and most would prefer that the funds for "WALL" go to something useful, like reimbursement for the added costs related to border crossings.

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The White House "would need to get very creative to impose auto tariffs on Mexico."

The mind boggles at the thought of these guys being creative.

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