Awesome...:)) sad it's a documentary these days

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The Germans of the day could argue they were truly screwed economically thanks to Versailles. Rumpians have no such excuse.

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The machines that worked...don't forget all the ones in poor/brown areas that were 'broken'. Even if they did work, we STILL are allowing electronic voting without paper records! We've learned nothing from Bush v. Kerry...or Gore for that matter.

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If it looks like a duck...etc...

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Mother of God! Can he become any more grotesque? On second thought, don't let him know anybody is asking that, please. He might take it as a challenge.

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He does! He has! He absolutely does produce he best, the biggest, and the most horseshit. He does it so effortlessly, withal, that it's a wonder to behold.He's pretty good at treating his wife in a low shabby fashion publicly, too.

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Let him change in his own house - not ours - or perhaps receive some home-based care at his FL estate. Rehabbing 70 yo lunatics should not be attempted in the Oval Office.

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Stalin would know.

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I hear ya but he looses his shit reading tweets from people and we have to take advantage of that. A well crafted tweet can have the power of ruining his day and that's fucking priceless.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Here! Someone fixed it! Isn't it beeeeauuuutttiiiffuuulll??

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I feel like that phrase is actually kind of threatening. Like, if you don't pray (to the right god), you don't get to have any peace?

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It doesn't help that the arts and humanities (which includes history) are continuously degraded and have their budgets slashed.

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Kimmy has him some excellent twitter trolls writing for him though.

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I liked a lot of things about Austin. That was one big drawback.

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Killing the cats in that situation was a particularly stupid move.

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