isn't that the same party who told us to "get over it" because "we won" 4 years ago?

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It reminds me of the Get Smart bit where Max gets the drop on a KAOS agent. Max knocks the gun out of his hand and taunts him with "Whaddya gonna do now, dummy?" Whereupon Max hits the guy. Bam! Whomp! And the KAOS guy just grins at him. Then Max goes "Heh, heh, I'm sure you didn't take that crack about 'dummy' seriously!"

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That sounds oddly familiar. Oh, yes, I heard that four years ago.

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I responded to Rubio's unity tweet saying we don't negotiate with terrorists or insurrectionists. He need look no further than his own chamber for the divide and after that you can shut the fuck up little Marco.

I have no interest in unifying with any of them but since they are so concerned with unity maybe they can start by reuniting those kids we stole with their parents.

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On what remains of Parler he has a chilling video urging all his followers to don the armor of God and go to war January 20.

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Hey, elder here: some of us knew what Trump was in the 80s.

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Call me crazy, but I am not a fan of unity at the cost of justice for people that tried to tear our country down. They need to be in jail, or removed from office, for whatever the law says. I do not wish to unite with McCarthy or any of the Republicans that voted to not accept the electoral results. Uniting with Evil Doers is wrong and will only cause bigger problems later on.

If this means a further divide, so be it. I think it could be a Good Thing for everyone in the country, and even the world, to see them for what they are, traitors, domestic terrorists, lawless, defending an autocratic despot wanting to keep power at all costs.

In fact, we should create as big a divide as possible. Really isolate them with themselves. Not part of any discussion to fix our problems and better the country. What will we lose ? What have they done for the last 4 years ? Esp the first 2 years when they had all the power ? Support Trump and all his rottenness ? We will be better off without that.

Dunno for sure but just maybe a lot of those 380,000 dead people (and counting) would agree.

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Oh yeah. I had a late shift job, and got home, the only thing on tee vee was the late night shows. He was the butt of jokes then. He was a joke. That's how I learned of him.Could not believe he got the Apprentice gig. Never knew what people saw in him.

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“I’m not going to that inauguration. A person could get hurt!”

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Not a big Bucs fan usually, but can't bring myself to support AL, after they elected Tuberville.Sorry Nick, you're a good guy, just on the wrong side of history tonight.

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But the drainage! Departments of transportation consider curb/gutter as a drainage element. Please reroute drainage ahead of time.

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As always, when Republicans call for unity after they've royally fucked up, the answer should be, "You first."

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After doing that, Kevin could then resign, because he has no business being anywhere near the levers of power in this country, and publicly admitting that and taking full responsibility for his actions would be helpful.

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I got your F'n unity right here! Now suck on it

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Forbes has established a new policy that they will not believe anything that comes from any company that hires any of Trump's press secretaries.

It will be fun to watch Don, Jr., Eric, and Ivanka try to operate as if the Trump name still has value in the marketplace.

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Exactly what I was thinking.

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