Trump is a true fascist, don't underestimate the fear and hatred that propels him. He's whipped up his cult into a fever about immigration, at some point he'll have to deliver the barbarism.
What the hell happens to the kids who are american citizens, do they get deported with the parents, or put in baby jails? Left alone to take care of themselves? Shipped to Mar Lago and the winery to work?
This shit makes me ill. And the fucking tweets, he sounds like an abusive spouse with the promises of cooperation followed by threats. I don't know how much more I can take until I set the bed on fire.
One of the regular panelists on "The Young Turks" (I know) says something I can whole-heartedly agree with: If you're a law enforcement agency, you don't get to have a cool name. These jagoffs getting to call themselves "ICE" makes them feel all bad-ass, and that shouldn't be the mindset. Change them back to INS. It's the sort of bureaucratic non-entity they should be treated as.
Stupid, bad, or evil, or maybe all three.
Again someone post Jen's meme on her site. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
He called it off because he doesn't have the balls to pull it off.
He *is* an abusive spouse whose only tool in his toolbox is empty threats.
*ahem* white as the driven snow
Trump is a true fascist, don't underestimate the fear and hatred that propels him. He's whipped up his cult into a fever about immigration, at some point he'll have to deliver the barbarism.
What the hell happens to the kids who are american citizens, do they get deported with the parents, or put in baby jails? Left alone to take care of themselves? Shipped to Mar Lago and the winery to work?
This, he just says the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.
Thanks, if you hadn't put me right I'd have guessed recently arrived Irish Catholic.
The reality tv terrorist residing in the WH is becoming almost predictable.
This shit makes me ill. And the fucking tweets, he sounds like an abusive spouse with the promises of cooperation followed by threats. I don't know how much more I can take until I set the bed on fire.
Only Norwegians need apply.
One of the regular panelists on "The Young Turks" (I know) says something I can whole-heartedly agree with: If you're a law enforcement agency, you don't get to have a cool name. These jagoffs getting to call themselves "ICE" makes them feel all bad-ass, and that shouldn't be the mindset. Change them back to INS. It's the sort of bureaucratic non-entity they should be treated as.
Where Trump heads off a looming crisis of his own making by doing nothing and shouts loud and proud about it.
I'm not sure who that is, but that is probably libeling him.