Amen, I'd just like to see Democrats be aggressive with their ads, finally. No more of this adult-in-the-room, timid bullshit. They don't have to sink to the GOOP's level, but quit letting these assholes frame every narrative.

The GOOPs have provided more than enough rope to not only hang themselves, but to make an elephant yo-yo, in the last twenty years. Use it.

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Not a real conservative/conservative enough, of course!

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Part of me wants Trump to win and hold the House and Senate for 8 years and turn the USA into a Brownbackian Utopia mixed with World War III to show them the results of their getting everything they want on their childish Wish Lists, but a) I don't want to be homeless and starving or dead, and b) the fuckers will STILL blame "Dummycraps" for *everything* and take responsibility for *nothing*. So, in conclusion, fuck these idiots.

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dear Texas farmer,

all your problems are created by the GOP.

for one thing, the drought (and the floods that have accompanied it) make it real hard for young start-up farmers (even the ones who just took over the family farm that has been there for generations) hard to make ends meet which is the result of *ding ding ding* global warming.

your other problem is the increases in cost for grain and seed storage. I hate to burst your Obama-hate bubble, but if they went up marginally, it's because the grain storage company you are using switch over to being federally regulated due to this next thing. if your storage fees went up drastically, that's because they stayed with the Texas Department of Agriculture for their regulations and Commissioner Sid "Sonogram Wand" Miller raised all regulation fees drastically--some by as much as 600%--because he wants to buy drones to fly over your fields and make sure that you're reporting everything. he also too would like to pay larger per diems to his executive staff which he flies in weekly from places like Wyoming.

happy reaping,The Whirlwind

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It's interesting. I had a contract with FedEx for tech stuff. The position was perm, but they kept rotating people through the slot. They had an absolute fixation on contracts for positions. Can't hire perms! Cost too much!! Yet they paid my staffing agency enough for them to give me a good salary, complete bennies, and take out their own cut. I really think FedEx would have saved money hiring a perm person.

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Yes. I think of it as social balkanization. The left has been more resistant to this trend than the right so far. Not sure that will continue though.

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But Sid wears such a nice hat!!

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These are the people who write letters to the editor saying that they use logic, unlike those socialist democrats.

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I have to admit that I get giddy to cover hearings with him in them because he's so fucking crazy. if you pretend that it's a "reality" TV show, it makes your world a bit better.

for example, every agency head does a little song and dance about what the agency does and how many people it helps before presenting its LAR (list of items they want funded in addition to what is already in the budget) to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees. what he did in Sen. Fi. last year made me want him to write all of them, but still not want him as Ag Commissioner--mostly because he decided to talk about the Ag industry rather than the commission itself (which basically does weights and measures), but also because of the hand motions, colorful metaphors and dramatic PAUSE.

for your pleasure (start at 1:01:00; granicus absolutely blows, but you can track to that part of the hearing):http://tlcsenate.granicus.c...

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Dammit, I knew he was up to something!

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Rest assured, when the stock market tanks the day after Trumpence is elected, it will all be Obama's fault.

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"A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, an depression is when you lose yours" Harry S Truman

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The President is a ni[clang]

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It actually is exactly like a cult, isn't it? I can't even call it cognitive dissonance because you'd need cognition for that.

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