"Can you imagine having to listen to the Repubs talk and be wrong about everything?"

Um, that's been part of the American Experience™ for at least four decades now (maybe five); it's harder to imagine them NOT being wrong about absolutely everything, all the time.

ON EDIT: Okay, there's The Lincoln Project. But even they are wrong about pretty much everything else, all the time.

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In what universe does the rest of the world give two figs where US political conventions are held? Does the idjit in nominal charge think we're doing promotional video of wherever they are held?

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And pays his bills, too, from what I understand. "What, you want money? You have this wonderful publicity!" Actually, given his reputation for stiffing contractors, NC may have dodged a bullet.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c...Trying to put my finger on it . . .

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Oh Lord, please, let Canada’s borders remain sealed for many months to come. Protect us from deplorable, RNC convention-attending, COVID super-spreaders. Amen.

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The need for full bars is especially important since alcohol is a disinfectant.

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The really frightening significance of Trump's behaviour over the venue of the RNC -- not that important in itself -- is that any time he's frustrated he does go straight into "BURN IT ALL DOWN" mode. And he'd do the same, like a true childish sociopath, on a bigger scale if he lost the 2020 election. Send the army in. Burn the White House with Joe Biden inside it. Shoot Bill Barr and all the other traitors who let me down! Then arrest the Clintons and Obamas! Wait, nuke Washington D.C. first! It's a Deep State nest or I couldn't have lost! I didn't lose! I won! Everybody voted illegally including all the ones who ever died in this country!In nearly all cases, comparisons with Hitler politically are over the top if not hysterical. Nearly all. Not this one. In 1944 Hitler yelled to his military governor in Paris, "The allies must not retake Paris except as a field of ruins," and shortly afterwards screamed over the phone, "Is Paris burning? Is Paris burning now, this minute?" He took the same attitude to his own nation, the one he'd led to disaster and infamy. He refused to admit defeat even when any sane person could see it was inevitable, and ordered the wholesale destruction of infrastructure his people needed to survive after they surrendered -- bridges, industries, railroads, the lot. It was no thanks to him that von Choltitz in Paris and Albert Speer in Germany decided not to carry out his orders.I'm sure Trump would do the same to the full extent he could, if he saw defeat and ignominy coming for him and no way to avoid it. He's damaging the U.S. enough now, and he's probably still convinced he's going to win a second term. Or steal one.

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Years ago when I didn't realize the evil that was Charlotte they were pushing everyone to call it "Uptown". It was the stupidest thing ever.

It's really weird how I went from Charlotte, where anything over 35 years old has to be torn down and replaced, to Richmond, where they are finally accepting that maybe they lost the Civil War (it was a tie!) and traitor losers shouldn't have statues.

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Roy Cooper's my governor, and I don't worship the ground he walks on, but he for damn sure just won my vote for refusing to let these RNC nutbags unleash a covid bomb on my state and its people. You go Roy!!!

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If only there were a way to ensure that they would not infect so many non-repugs before they arrive.

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From a captive "I can't strangle this asshole, I must act nice." kind of way.We often can call them on their bullshit.

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LOL, I bet we have inept "lovers" on our side too, but they probably know what that is.

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Clarify-- the old saying went that one (or gentlemen, or gentlepersons) should never see how sausage is made, or for that matter, politics. Consider that the sausage and politics now both carry a risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus.

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I had no opinion about Roy Cooper except that he wasn’t Gov. Fratboy until his deft handling of Covid and the RNC. Now I’m a fangirl.

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I had a friend in college who used to tease me “you’re gonna end up in Charlotte.” Didn’t plan on settling in the town where I grew up, but more and more I’m proud of us for clumsily trying to lead the state out of the dark ages. But absolutely we still tear things down with reckless abandon. I stake myself out on living in the city 8 minutes from downtown, where there’s still a wee bit of character.

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I just make fun of it because I lived there the first 18 years of my life. And technically we were in Matthews but we were annexed after I went to college. Just got tired of all the banks and Baptists. Last time I was in the city was the day we disconnected my father from life support 10 years ago. None of my family still lives there and the house I grew up in (built in 1974) was demolished to put up a McMansion.

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