If it weren't for the dead hand of the slavemasters, i.e. the Electoral College, we would be done with this would be tyrant. But there is good news, the NY Times is at last going after Trump as a fascist.
At first I was sad, did not know them but they seemed nice. But then I got annoyed because the flounce was all U R All Clicky and suck! and I was all...wait. We argue allllll the time and still choose to chill with each other, and we welcome every new person with open arms and dick jokes. That ain't clicky at all!
Decided what they meant was "Not enough people were agreeing with me" so felt less sad.
I have gone underground at this point. I have two Palestinian friends and a number of friends in Israel. I’ve been staying off of Facebook except for flybys to look at pages for my other friends. All I can do is pray and hope. And I’m certainly not engaging in discussion on here.
Ugh! The media keeps talking about voter enthusiasm and how no one is excited to vote for Biden. JFC modern America is worse than ancient Rome - wanting their circuses. You don't have to be excited to vote for someone, just vote for the best person, or at least vote for the lesser of two evils. I literally held my nose to vote for Dukakis in 1988. I was excited to vote for two people in 40+ years of voting - Jimmy Carter in 1980 (he was my first, and you never forget your first) and Barack Obama in 2008 (hope and change). People need to get over having to be excited to vote for someone. That might be hard with the media letting us all down with voter enthusiasm crap, harping on Biden's age, but not on trump's cognitive decline and clear fascist talk.
The media does not, in fact, reflect the true state of things. it likes to believe it can mould reality if it tells the same lies enough times, massages the facts just enough, or via crimes of omission.
Yet, when called on shaping the political landscape, media folks will insist that all they do is follow what the people want, and have no power to shape the conversation.
Yet mid term and special election turnout remains high. Given that the other side is openly planning a FASCIST DICTATORSHIP dems should be able to muster some excitement. If not, oh well, consequences.
APRIL 29, 2021 — The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election, according to new voting and registration tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. These data come from the 2020 Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement for the November 2020 presidential election, which surveyed the civilian noninstitutionalized population in the United States.
Sure remember how the press was all don't you Dems DARE take a victory lap, this was no mandate, he got all these votes and anyway they are in mourning so be nice to them!
And then they tried to overthrow the government and hang the vice president
We need to take 33% of the people's shit and put it out on the curb and then kick them out. Check that: We will keep all of their their good shit before kicking them out.
It is important to remember that the 33% of "people old enough to vote but don't" ALSO includes folks who live in states with extreme voter suppression (id rules, lack of polling places, "broken" machines, inability to get mail-in ballots, intimidation, polling/ registration places made inaccessible...)
edit: sorta like how they are dying to get back to their Dems in disarray so are all like 43% of Dems disagree with Biden on this one thing! Never mind that would imply that 57% then DO agree. They never put it that way.
I was reading an article about the dangers of a future (T***p) presidency and wanted to know, why the fuck didn't Joe and the Dems reverse the effing Repuke tax cuts? I know we had thin majorities but still. Raise a stink, hit the Repukes and their deficits.
THAT is something one can take to the voting booth. Tax the rich, the corporations, It is good for the society at large.
It's because the Democrats (and I know I'll catch Hell for this) support the care and feeding of the parasites almost as much as does the republicants.
Um, sure. Like the US would allow Mexico to vote to annex Texas. This is what happens when Republicans and other appeasers go weak-kneed the the face of Putin's aggression in Ukraine.
CARACAS, Venezuela —
Venezuelans approved a referendum called by President Nicolás Maduro’s government to claim sovereignty over a large oil- and mineralrich swath of neighboring Guyana, the country’s electoral authority announced. Few voters could be seen
at polling centers Sunday throughout the voting period, but the National Electoral Council claimed more than 10.5 million voters cast ballots. Venezuela has long argued the territory was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago. But Guyana considers the referendum a step toward annexation, and the vote has its residents on edge.
Birthdays: Martin van Buren, George A. Custer, John Jellicoe, Józef Piłsudski, Fritz Lang, Walt Disney, Werner Heisenberg, Otto Preminger, Lin Biao, Bhumibol Adulyadej, Richard Penniman, Margaret Cho.
Obituaries: Wolfgang Mozart, Alexandre Dumas pere, Claude Monet, Vachel Lindsay, Joe Jackson, Glenn Martin, Robert Watson-Watt, Nina Foch, Beverly Garland, Don Meredith, Dave Brubeck, Nelson Mandela.
Well, I'm starting to feel that current events centered around ILL DOUCHE and his plans to become dictator if re-elected has finally caused Keith Olbermann's last screw to fall out. I mean this in jest, sort of: https://youtu.be/6bpsOsWun4A
"On this, our 1064th day since Dementia J. Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government of the Untied States. Convict him now or use the Insurrection Act against him now while we still can."
The usage of the Ins. Act against Trump should have happened on Jan. 6th. Sadly, that cat has escaped the litter box since then. And no, I'm not optimistic about next November.
Liz claims she has been a real Republican longer than Trump has been using spray on tan.
This just in from Politico, Congressman McCarthy has filed to legally change his name to "Keven".
If it weren't for the dead hand of the slavemasters, i.e. the Electoral College, we would be done with this would be tyrant. But there is good news, the NY Times is at last going after Trump as a fascist.
I agree, Slavery and the laws and institutions created to support slave owners has entirely fucked our political system
I'll just assume they're ok with the fascism thing.
“John,” she recalled replying, “our ‘brand’ is the U.S. Constitution.”
Ouch. That burns. What burns even worse is that they needed a REMINDER.
(Comes in, looks around at the debris) Heard it got ugly on the OT last night?
Ooh, what happened?!
Was not here for all of it but saw one flounce.
At first I was sad, did not know them but they seemed nice. But then I got annoyed because the flounce was all U R All Clicky and suck! and I was all...wait. We argue allllll the time and still choose to chill with each other, and we welcome every new person with open arms and dick jokes. That ain't clicky at all!
Decided what they meant was "Not enough people were agreeing with me" so felt less sad.
Is this the thread that's been locked, had a dust sheet thrown over it so no one can read it and then was sealed in concrete and dumped off the coast?
Well it got ugly on the thread just before the OT. Discussing the Israel vs Hamas thing is fraught.
I have gone underground at this point. I have two Palestinian friends and a number of friends in Israel. I’ve been staying off of Facebook except for flybys to look at pages for my other friends. All I can do is pray and hope. And I’m certainly not engaging in discussion on here.
Ugh! The media keeps talking about voter enthusiasm and how no one is excited to vote for Biden. JFC modern America is worse than ancient Rome - wanting their circuses. You don't have to be excited to vote for someone, just vote for the best person, or at least vote for the lesser of two evils. I literally held my nose to vote for Dukakis in 1988. I was excited to vote for two people in 40+ years of voting - Jimmy Carter in 1980 (he was my first, and you never forget your first) and Barack Obama in 2008 (hope and change). People need to get over having to be excited to vote for someone. That might be hard with the media letting us all down with voter enthusiasm crap, harping on Biden's age, but not on trump's cognitive decline and clear fascist talk.
The media does not, in fact, reflect the true state of things. it likes to believe it can mould reality if it tells the same lies enough times, massages the facts just enough, or via crimes of omission.
Yet, when called on shaping the political landscape, media folks will insist that all they do is follow what the people want, and have no power to shape the conversation.
They're in it for the profit not the journalism.
Yet mid term and special election turnout remains high. Given that the other side is openly planning a FASCIST DICTATORSHIP dems should be able to muster some excitement. If not, oh well, consequences.
More excited to vote for him than for any other bag of shit.
If only Orange the Derailer would just up and die.
we were not "excited" in 2020 either.
Wasn't turnout for that year fairly high, though?
He got more votes than anyone in History, including 7 million more than that orange bag of shit.
From census.gov:
APRIL 29, 2021 — The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election, according to new voting and registration tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. These data come from the 2020 Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement for the November 2020 presidential election, which surveyed the civilian noninstitutionalized population in the United States.
Remember how the Dotard Brigade wrung their hands, unable to understand how tramp could get so many votes and still lose?
It was because yet more voters were excited at the opportunity to throw his lying ass out of his government subsidized housing.
I remember that he said they should stop counting the votes while he was ahead. -_-
Sure remember how the press was all don't you Dems DARE take a victory lap, this was no mandate, he got all these votes and anyway they are in mourning so be nice to them!
And then they tried to overthrow the government and hang the vice president
Fuck their feelings.
Camedown to fascism or not fascism and 33% of people went ....what was that thing about 1/3 watching?
We need to take 33% of the people's shit and put it out on the curb and then kick them out. Check that: We will keep all of their their good shit before kicking them out.
It is important to remember that the 33% of "people old enough to vote but don't" ALSO includes folks who live in states with extreme voter suppression (id rules, lack of polling places, "broken" machines, inability to get mail-in ballots, intimidation, polling/ registration places made inaccessible...)
ya know, now that you mention it, think it was.
But the press story was still all about the "enthusiasm gap"
edit: sorta like how they are dying to get back to their Dems in disarray so are all like 43% of Dems disagree with Biden on this one thing! Never mind that would imply that 57% then DO agree. They never put it that way.
The only times I get excited anymore are when I get a new batch of weed and when I order tacos for me and The Crew.
In other words, the media keeps talking out of it's ass. As per usual.
I was reading an article about the dangers of a future (T***p) presidency and wanted to know, why the fuck didn't Joe and the Dems reverse the effing Repuke tax cuts? I know we had thin majorities but still. Raise a stink, hit the Repukes and their deficits.
THAT is something one can take to the voting booth. Tax the rich, the corporations, It is good for the society at large.
I don't think they have the senate votes to Repeal them
It's because the Democrats (and I know I'll catch Hell for this) support the care and feeding of the parasites almost as much as does the republicants.
Manchin and Sinema.
PBUT -- Piss Be Upon Them.
Always those two
New name for Pabs (Ill Douche): Douchelini.
Um, sure. Like the US would allow Mexico to vote to annex Texas. This is what happens when Republicans and other appeasers go weak-kneed the the face of Putin's aggression in Ukraine.
CARACAS, Venezuela —
Venezuelans approved a referendum called by President Nicolás Maduro’s government to claim sovereignty over a large oil- and mineralrich swath of neighboring Guyana, the country’s electoral authority announced. Few voters could be seen
at polling centers Sunday throughout the voting period, but the National Electoral Council claimed more than 10.5 million voters cast ballots. Venezuela has long argued the territory was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago. But Guyana considers the referendum a step toward annexation, and the vote has its residents on edge.
I am wondering if Venezuela would be so keen to annex said parcel if it was not oil and mineral rich
For why? The entertainment value?
The usual claims from Marudo's type is that the land is really theirs, or full of their people honest, or something of that stripe.
Guess we can give him credit for being upfront and honest about wanting to steal neighbor's land cause money
I could use a nice big fat Churchill maduro right now.
I asked Alexa. She just laughed.
I’m not sure Mexico would want it
We could give them Florida as a bonus
Mexico might condescend to taking Texastan if we gave them California to go along with it.
Not that we would ever want to do such a thing, of course.
Probably could not give it away at this point
Green Bay and the rest of Wisconsin is finally able to breathe as Taylor has left.
The Wisconsin repubs in the lege have done everything they can think of to get rid of the head of elections with no results.
Now they're going to try to eliminate the position totally.
Weather dude warned us about a clipper system coming during the night dumping less than a half inch of snow.
Ohio repubs want to limit the strength of the the cannibus its residents voted to legalize.
I'm going to yoga at 8:30.
Damn. My headphones, which admittedly I seldom use, just had one ear cushion peel right off. Guess it's time to look at getting a new pair.
Morning all. ☕
#Worldle #683 X/6 (97%)
Good morning!
Comings and goings:
Birthdays: Martin van Buren, George A. Custer, John Jellicoe, Józef Piłsudski, Fritz Lang, Walt Disney, Werner Heisenberg, Otto Preminger, Lin Biao, Bhumibol Adulyadej, Richard Penniman, Margaret Cho.
Obituaries: Wolfgang Mozart, Alexandre Dumas pere, Claude Monet, Vachel Lindsay, Joe Jackson, Glenn Martin, Robert Watson-Watt, Nina Foch, Beverly Garland, Don Meredith, Dave Brubeck, Nelson Mandela.
Are you sure it's Heisenberg's birthday today?
One either knows the date, or the time. Never both.
So is that "Shoeless" Joe Jackson or some other Joe Jackson?
Yes, Shoeless.
Whar National Anthem?
Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr0414FrN7g
Lovely. But now I have to go and watch Invictus instead of going to sleep. Thanks, Wanderer.
Wrong link, here I fixed it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M11SvDtPBhA
Great song, easy to sing.
Liz Cheney says My Johnson is a corrupt johnson.
Mike Johnson, Ron Johnson, etc. We have a few johnsons that need circumcision with extreme prejudice. And an electron microscope.
New York-born Boris Johnson too.
America: spay or neuter your Johnsons.
I forgot about that addled floof-headed cock.
Well, I'm starting to feel that current events centered around ILL DOUCHE and his plans to become dictator if re-elected has finally caused Keith Olbermann's last screw to fall out. I mean this in jest, sort of: https://youtu.be/6bpsOsWun4A
"On this, our 1064th day since Dementia J. Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government of the Untied States. Convict him now or use the Insurrection Act against him now while we still can."
The usage of the Ins. Act against Trump should have happened on Jan. 6th. Sadly, that cat has escaped the litter box since then. And no, I'm not optimistic about next November.
I thought Keith was held together with chewing gum and puma jizz
I thought lemur jizz, but well, samo, samo. I find Keith entertaining to listen to which gives him a provisional dispensation for being an asshole.
It's good taco crushing companion noise.
It works for weeding also too. Sadly, I ran out of that.
Good morning!
#Worldle #683 2/6 (100%)
In two, too.
How do you know what she's wearing?
That’s just a given.