His personal varlet. (I just can't let it go.)

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Maybe if you just say it a bunch of times??

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Which cons were you going to?

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And appreciated. "What are you trying to do, stifle the small businessman?"

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Lemmeseehere... Marcus is worried about Chicken Don displaying a searing image of weakness. I think that ship has sailed... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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As far as I'm aware imaginary God doesn't cough, sneeze, or become infected with viruses, so he can not wear as many masks as he wants. Humans should not practice the same behavior unless they don't cough, sneeze, or become infected with viruses,

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Neither does the jump from a statue to whatever-the-hell trump is. I will concede that statues should not be required to wear masks.

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Like many others, people who are desperately poor love it when someone tells them there is a super-simple solution to an extremely complex problem like poverty.

Hey, let's just get rid of the immigrants. That should fix all the poverty.

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Technically socialism requires that the state take over the means of production, like auto manufacturing. Police, social security, Medicare, etc., are not socialistic. They are taxpayer funded services that help society as a whole. Medicare for All would not be socialism because they would only take over the payments. Insurance companies are also not a means of production.

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The wooden teeth thing is mostly apocryphal to my understanding. He did have false teeth, and I think more than one set, but were made from ivory, IIRC. Probably set into wood, though.

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I stand corrected. There was no wood used:


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Over here in Ireland we're taking no chances on that either: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Um, David Marcus, I would say that 80,000+ Americans dead of coronavirus is a pretty searing image of weakness, and also of incompetence and stupidity.

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I don't people really understand testing.

We don't need to test, per capita, as many people as other countries in order to do as well as or better on testing than those other countries.

If you have early testing and strong contact tracing, you don't need to test everyone in the whole country.

So if you're doing testing right, you actually need fewer tests. If you have widespread cases AND less testing per capita, that's a great sign you've completely failed. But if you have widespread cases and then test the shit out of your whole country, the very high numbers of tests used is not a sign that you responded well. It just means that after you completely failed in your initial response, you didn't then give up, lay down, and die.

Someday the US will have tested more than any other nation on earth both per capital and in absolute numbers. And guess what? It won't mean shit except that the US let the disease run farther, faster, and with less tracking than any nation on earth.

:slow clap: Nice work there, folks. Nice work.

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Is this from the press conference where he presented the virus testing equipment upside down?

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Trump is less like Washington than like William Henry Harrison.

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