One party versus about four separate warring factions. And with luck that will get worse.

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"...prevent WWIII." Or more disastrous losing your reelection bid.

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It has probably been pointed out to HRH (his ridiculous hinkiness) that allow Congress to pass it over his veto would cost him a severe hit in the ratings.

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OK Taking bets Spicy Facts quits before someone persuades Trump to fire him.

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RIP Gene Wilder

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Soon-to-be stale cellmates.

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Exactly why I keep coming back to Wonkette. For the insanity.

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A Blah can only be 3/5 of a Xtian.

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'Tis a pity that our great country lacked the Strong Borders™ to keep the ancestors of that evil leprechaun Mick Mulvaney from getting in in the first place!

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Well you see he's looking at this from a golf prospective. Sure, his opponents won a lot of points, but he got a thing he wanted...so it's a win! Besides, who's going to call him on it?

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Wandering deep in the wilderness and eating their own; some days it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the Republican Party and the Donner Party.

Does it make me a bad person to want to send a 50# sack of Fave beans and a case of nice Chianti to the RNC?

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stolen state mates, too, also, as well as

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Shitgibbon Mc.Shartypants will still take credit for the stable economy though, even though it's not his, and hopefully will never be. And a POTUS wanting to shut down our Government because he didn't get everything they wanted, (fuck the American people, right?), should be Baker acted.

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So a lot of bluster about what great things he can do, followed by just doing what the black guy had been doing for a decade and then taking credit for how well that works. Yep, sounds about right.

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Given that most of them caved, I respect that.

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