That's a toughie, as I believe Chump is beneath contempt.

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What's the slogan of the reunited Germany?

"Let's make it one out of three!"

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Maybe that's why they were going for a Hanoverian, and not a Prussian... though, if they wanted a dysfunctional hereditary monarch, they should have reached out to the Bavarians.

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While this coup was coo-coo, how the US treats coups depends on who couped who. Take Peru... the US is saying a "necessary transition", while the rest of the Americas is saying "coup". The Europeans, typically, are calling for "dialog" (meaning let the right wing back in power, and keep the status quo).

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Grenell was such a supporter of the far-right wing neo-Nazis that IIRC, Germany asked the US to rescind his ambassadorship

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Actually, they were all antifa, disguised as rightwingers in order to make the Nazis look bad, but wearing their Trump underoos on backwards out so as to identify themselves to each other.

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The judge is way behind the rest of the world on that one.

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And there was some Kubicki (not misspelled) theater, too, also

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An artful and vivid description. Veddy nize!!

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But he had a song!!!


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WTF? You do know that the attempted coup was by the (ex-)president Pedro Castillo, rather than against him? That the new leader is his own former vice-president and fellow left-winger Dina Boluarte?

I don't follow Peruvian politics, so I have no idea whether the impeachment charges that Castillo tried to coup his way out of had any merit. But his removal after trying to seize power was certainly legal, and replacing him with a Marxist doesn't look much like "let[ting] the right wing back in power."

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Well, let's film it

https://www.youtube.com/wat...And he may be charged with a weapons violation :)

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Of course it is- it's Turner Diaries kinda stuff.

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Better him than someone else.

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NC BBQ uses vinegar

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And it's fantastic.

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