Shit fire fuck a goat in de ass...WTF is wrong with goddamn republicans...Does Trump have kid diddling and fondling tapes on them stupid fuknutt ignotards or what....Does all the republicans have something on each other ? Do these bastions of stupidity have pictures of corrupt lawmakers(lawbreakers)gang banging a billy goat? Does Trump have videos of them in gay bars doing gay things?Is the republican party a codswallowing bag of bunglecunts out to blackmail their legislation into laws..They would gladly suck Trump off in the oval office while Kelly holds the cum towel for them that prefer to spit just to get their special interest sponsors legislation passed to the detriment of American workers. These republican bottom feeders whose only purpose in life is to enrich themselves and serve their corporate bosses..Is this why all the republicans have the appearance of being brain dead morons in suits who only repeat and repeat the current rhetorical bullshit they pass off as news and all other opposition with actual facts are the fake news. Who has what on whom? With each and everyone of them a total fraud and lackey for big money...How can we survive as a nation when all the sudden helping working Americans is now a bad thing...But helping corporate America fleece us blind is a capitalist free market right for the elite to get all the prosperity America has to offer...Working Americans are disposable and not worth the effort in any way to make everyone's life a great thing. The only ones who matter are the free market capitalists who own everything..these are the gods of republicanism...Republicanism=Fascism. Republican base voters are the stupids that keep these assholes in power...Uneducated shitheads are the believers in rhetorical redundancy and plain stupidity and keep the corporate agenda alive an well and fuking them in the ass daily and they beg for more. Watch Trump give his usual mouth hole jargon to his blind supporters and watch them light up after each and every lie from his shithole mouth....Scarry times we live in.

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With all the accusations of collusion with Russia flying about, you'd think he'd want to stay away from anyone who has any Russian link for a little while... I realize I'm overestimating him.

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Very true. Their cruelty, their disdain for poor people knows no bounds. They've wanted to shred Medicaid for decades. Thing is, they sold their base a bill of goods. McConnell has fashioned his party around this idea of "repeal-replace" with no inkling of an idea of how to do that. He wanted to coast along with Hillary Clinton being the overriding vote for another eight years so he could settle into comfortable retirement. Now, the chickens have come home to roost and he has to deliver something, anything, or admit that the GOP has never had a plan.

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Wish someone would'a told me that yesterday.

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I've got nothing.

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I would argue that he has already exceeded each of those individuals, except perhaps for Dubya. And he'll pass him too.

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Historians are reassessing as we speak.

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Awwww, schluffy bunny!

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Buchanan may have merely failed to prevent, or even delay the inevitable. Franklin Pierce ranks higher on some lists.

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Draining the swamp and replacing it with water straight from the Volga.

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I once cashed a US dollar cheque, does that count?

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Jesus. Imagine if Barack really was the secret Muslim like they imagine, but with the same kinds of Muslim connections, as Trump has with Russians?

Obama would have to be talking about how ISIS doing beheadings is not that bad, and "you know, America does bad things too." He'd be constantly saying "you know, 9/11 might NOT have been done by Osama Bin Laden, maybe it was a big fat guy hang-gliding." Instead of killing all the Al Qaeda number-2's with drones, he'd have to be setting up panels with them on how to defeat terrorism. His past would have all these strange deals where you'd find one of the party may be some jihadist fundraiser.

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Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe.

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Twoscoops doesn't even need to sign an EO now? He can just tweet it out? I don't think anyone in the business of actual legitimate government is going to accept that as normal.

I believe that shit was just done to tickle the creepfucks in his base, right in the taint below their dribbly-parts. You know, to warm their hearts.

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The investigation would go a lot easier if they just focused o if any of these swamp critters have ties to the US government.

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