C'mon dude, don't do that. I know it's a metaphor but c'mon.

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Nixon was not raw dealt, he was raw dogged, and deserved it all.

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Hypothetical: What if the GOP rigged SCOTUS decided to say impeaching Trump is unConstitutional?

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I expect the Supreme Court feels that President Pence would be less embarrassing that President Trump. It’s an old Republican tactic: first put in someone over the top partisan, exhaust the opposition, then get praise in the press by replacing them with somebody just as partisan but more subtle. See, e.g., Barr.

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They won’t be that open - they’d be more likely to say the issue is a “political question” that the courts can’t get involved in. Same result, less obvious.

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I suspect you are right. But what is the remedy if the hypothetical situation happened?

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“the senile old lovebaby of a rabid basset hound and Earl the Dinosaur from TV's "Dinosaurs"”...

I am dead. 😂😂😂😂😂

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Is contempt of court just not a thing anymore or. Like why are these people not told "Right, you won't cooperate, you can sit in jail for a night."

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