I am getting all discombobulated as to where they stand on state's rights, and the source of such rights.

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If that avatar is even remotely current, you're far too young to be a crone. :-)

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"ABC reports that on December 28, Clark circulated the proposed text of this letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, as well as the Republican heads of both houses of the state legislature..." SO for all intents and purposes he DID send it.

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It’s so weird how there were all of these alternative plans being made behind the scene for an election be expected to win……

Unless golly could that have not been the case??!???

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Note the date: in December it was still looking very likely that at least one Georgia senator would be GOP, and McConnell would hold the majority.

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She Who Must Be Catered To has adjusted to my working (at home, but it is still work.) She gets her morning attention, feeding, brushing and treats before I start. Then it's downstairs to the Catcave for the morning. She comes back up for more attention during my lunch, then it's a hard session of sleeping on my bed until quitting time. Then it is attention and food service by her faithful slave for the evening.

It's a grueling schedule, but she manages to keep it.

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“Then he pivoted to asking for authorization to sit down with Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to discuss whether Dominion voting machines could be "accessed the Internet through a smart thermostat with a net connection trail leading back to China."“

Clarke’s third law: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

Welp, that’s it, then. A smart thermostat is apparently “advanced technology indistinguishable from magic” to Jeffrey Clark.

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I recall PBS Judy Woodruff talking to an RNC operative the night before November 6th, 2020, and RNC spox was adamant tfg would stay president. Like crazy-eyed smug and haughty. "Oh, he'll win all right."Ms Woodruff asked why she was so confident in the face of all the polling.She asked if the RNC had a different set of polling, and why she as 'so sure'. (granted they always put on a brave face, but this was on another level.)

RNC spox made a very unpleasant smile and said: "I guess you'll find out."Woodruff has never asked young and pretty RNC spox-bot back, and I think in part because she was very unprofessional in not answering direct questions (that's your job), and well, just borderline laughing-Judy's-face and sneeringly rude.You know, because PBS is the devil's playground.

At the time, I was like: wow, this gal's injected the Kool-aid. (Schadenfreude intensifies)

Now, I look back and think: maybe her inexplicable and bald confidence came from something else she knew was brewing.

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And we all know magic is the devil and witchcraft, so demonRats must have summoned it.

And this is why you can't believe the science because the Bible says only the Bible is truth.

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I am watching MSNBC and CNN, following the coverage of this, with complete horror.

I'm not surprised, but I never lose my sense of shock at what TFG was capable of.

One of the commentators remarked that it's a problem that more people don't have their hair on fire, and I agree completely. Nobody outside of a small nucleus of people seems to care.

I'm toying with telling my RWNJ neighbor about this, and I already know what she'll say:

"I'm for Trump! He's going to run again in 2024 and he's going to win!"

What the actual fuck is wrong with people??

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Do we know what their reactions were?

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Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

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I get the feeling promises were made to them in the form of protection and power. They should take a hard look at Giuliani, Powell, Chris Miller, etc. Never mind the money tfg has amassed, and not a thin dime on this Lost Cause election Lie.

If blindly following tfg is sunk costs, they should find a lifeboat and start talking to the DOJ's iceberg cometh. We're just getting started.

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Or conspiracy?

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Schrodinger's GQP - everything is and nothing all at the same time.

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