Personally, and this is just me, I think that we’re in a fundamentally different situation and up against an entirely different kind of human being. I don’t think formal impeachment proceedings will change public opinion to our side until we reach a certain tipping point, and obviously this president isn’t going to get up and leave once they start. I think we need to get out there en mass and change people’s minds ourselves. It’s a handy reference though, thanks for sharing it.
I don't get why the reporters phrase their reporting in question form, i.e. why was Biden's son doing whatever?If they don't know they shouldn't be inferring and if they do know they shouldn't be asking but should be reporting.Also, why don't they know, the story is old and the details are known and its nothing but conspiracy fodder. Why are reporters worse than useless tools, that's the real question the Ken's, at least, should be asking.
And nothing makes it OK for Orange Hitler to commit treason anyways. Not what abouts, yeah buts or both sides BS.
this is what I've been saying for at least 3-4 months. As the graph below shows, it only took 9 months from the Saturday Night Massacre to the Final Act, and this will be right in the midst of ramping up campaign season. Draconian, Inquisition style spectacles 6 days a week for a few months.
Here's the problem--there has been so much coverage of everything over the last 2+ years, the average man on the street doesn't understand the big picture. Even Mueller didn't lay out a concise narrative. There has to be someone who can start at the beginning, and tell the whole thing in a reasonably quick timeline.
Is the idea that if moderate Democrats support impeachment, Republicans will accuse them of all kinds of dangerous radical leftist socialist anti-Semite gun-grabbing terrorist-supporting horrors, and otherwise they won't? Because that's just wrong.
They are being asked that now. They will be asked continuously 'til Nov. 2020.
I'm not saying don't investigate. Keep those subpoenas coming. I'd support calls to turn the questioning over to staff. The lawyer really put it to Lewandowski.
I am saying, don't vote a bill of indictment, and certainly don't try him in the Senate. They are not going to convict him. Even if he shoots someone on Fifth Ave.
I guess I'm hoping that now we have something pretty central to focus on, all the rest can be tied to its (his) coattails, so to speak. That list of potential charges that's on Medium was at 23 counts last I looked (paging Captain Clark - or is that Dr Benway?!), and that was *before* this particular pile of polar bear excrement interfered with the machinery. As they say in Siberia. Its a lot to keep track of; what we need to make clear is that for the past three years at a minimum, the tRump regime has been doing All The Crimes and yes, you have been lied to if you think otherwise.
It's all moving so fast right now (as of 1am Thursday) it seems like there has been a pent-up momentum just waiting to be triggered. Maguire is testifying today, and the House voted 421-0 to release the whistleblower complaint. It may not take 3-6 months of hearings to upset the entire apple cart.
I think those on the right, or even 'center', don't fully appreciate the depths of anti-tRump sentiment in this country. They've allowed themselves to believe it's just 'sore losers' over 2016, which serves as convenient blinders for the wealth of offenses this administration has amassed. Now that the dam is finally breaking, im not sure how well the country as a whole is prepared for all that's about to come gushing out.
Personally, and this is just me, I think that we’re in a fundamentally different situation and up against an entirely different kind of human being. I don’t think formal impeachment proceedings will change public opinion to our side until we reach a certain tipping point, and obviously this president isn’t going to get up and leave once they start. I think we need to get out there en mass and change people’s minds ourselves. It’s a handy reference though, thanks for sharing it.
Another Trump day, another Trump scandal, another instance of Trumpians circling the wagons, engaging in deceit and breaking the law to defend him.
I don't get why the reporters phrase their reporting in question form, i.e. why was Biden's son doing whatever?If they don't know they shouldn't be inferring and if they do know they shouldn't be asking but should be reporting.Also, why don't they know, the story is old and the details are known and its nothing but conspiracy fodder. Why are reporters worse than useless tools, that's the real question the Ken's, at least, should be asking.
And nothing makes it OK for Orange Hitler to commit treason anyways. Not what abouts, yeah buts or both sides BS.
Blazing, $5F. Thanks so much.
this is what I've been saying for at least 3-4 months. As the graph below shows, it only took 9 months from the Saturday Night Massacre to the Final Act, and this will be right in the midst of ramping up campaign season. Draconian, Inquisition style spectacles 6 days a week for a few months.
Here's the problem--there has been so much coverage of everything over the last 2+ years, the average man on the street doesn't understand the big picture. Even Mueller didn't lay out a concise narrative. There has to be someone who can start at the beginning, and tell the whole thing in a reasonably quick timeline.
They're going to lose voters who will stay home (wrongly, but still) because of the Democrats' failure to restrain Trump.
Is the idea that if moderate Democrats support impeachment, Republicans will accuse them of all kinds of dangerous radical leftist socialist anti-Semite gun-grabbing terrorist-supporting horrors, and otherwise they won't? Because that's just wrong.
And making it Democrats’ fault. And that’s the part that will stick. God fucking dammit.
Trump has said he can do anything he wants to . He has assumed the powers of a King . Our democracy is dying .
this is fucking perfect and thank you for writing it and requoting it.
fucking perfect.
Laughably... Attila was probably communist in the fundamental aspects. Most nomadic peoples are. Community is everything to them.
what a headline! add in all that fabulous lawsplainin...........swoon5$F, I want to buy you and Stephen a drink!
They are being asked that now. They will be asked continuously 'til Nov. 2020.
I'm not saying don't investigate. Keep those subpoenas coming. I'd support calls to turn the questioning over to staff. The lawyer really put it to Lewandowski.
I am saying, don't vote a bill of indictment, and certainly don't try him in the Senate. They are not going to convict him. Even if he shoots someone on Fifth Ave.
I guess I'm hoping that now we have something pretty central to focus on, all the rest can be tied to its (his) coattails, so to speak. That list of potential charges that's on Medium was at 23 counts last I looked (paging Captain Clark - or is that Dr Benway?!), and that was *before* this particular pile of polar bear excrement interfered with the machinery. As they say in Siberia. Its a lot to keep track of; what we need to make clear is that for the past three years at a minimum, the tRump regime has been doing All The Crimes and yes, you have been lied to if you think otherwise.
It's all moving so fast right now (as of 1am Thursday) it seems like there has been a pent-up momentum just waiting to be triggered. Maguire is testifying today, and the House voted 421-0 to release the whistleblower complaint. It may not take 3-6 months of hearings to upset the entire apple cart.
I think those on the right, or even 'center', don't fully appreciate the depths of anti-tRump sentiment in this country. They've allowed themselves to believe it's just 'sore losers' over 2016, which serves as convenient blinders for the wealth of offenses this administration has amassed. Now that the dam is finally breaking, im not sure how well the country as a whole is prepared for all that's about to come gushing out.