We'll assume he added that his old LaSalle ran great.

I never thought I'd say it, but Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

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The Road was the bleakest thing I've read since On The Beach.

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they resent their children, whom they barely interact with because executives stay on the clock 80 hours a week, and they've been milking off of daddy's riches for a lifetime of gilded opportunity.there's also the "end-run" theory baked in there too: they've got nothing in their lives except the competition of accumulating riches, they see the end for themselves, and they say f%ck it - time to hoard it all like a pharaoh.really, it all points to a severe anti-social personality disorder.

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just enough rules to allow the hammer to be put down on any out-groups and non-tithers when necessary.

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Here is the notice in the Federal Register. There are various ways to make comments that will become part of the record (? I'm not absolutely sure about that, NEPA insists that citizens can comment on NEPA documents, but I don't know if that's true on that meta-NEPA as well.) Anyway, comment, get your friends to comment, I don't know how we put forth enough voices to stop this, but no reason not to try...

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Harrumph! I dunno what the etymology of "folk" has to do with it. That seems to be derived from OE folc, which is related to (but not derived from?) the Germanic volk.

What that has to do with getting potted up in the middle of the road only a pony could tell you.

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Or less than an 8.

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Under the New York law, probably. But yeah, Donnie, make a big wide smear of dead enemies.

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Yeah, I think he's all in on that second thing.

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Can you at least identify the name Madam's Organ?

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Sort of. There's a whole bunch of stuff for which the law passed by Congress defines the goals and a basic outline, but the details are regulations created by the appropriate executive branch bureaucracy.

In theory, the regulations have to conform to the goals of the law; in practice, McConnell and Trump have so packed the federal judiciary that I expect them to get away with almost anything. 🤢

But it could -- and probably will! -- be worse! Several of the aforementioned new lifetime appointees want to gut Chevron deference, which states that the judiciary should accept the bureaucracy's interpretation of ambiguous language in the law, which is how Obama was able to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, expand LGBTQ protections, etc. That would basically require Congress to pass even minor regulatory changes. And in case you haven't noticed, Congress is a tad dysfunctional. 😳

Also, they want to overturn Lochner and take us back to the Lochner era, which would essentially undo pretty much everything since the New Deal. 😱

EDIT: I am most definitely not a lawyer; the above is what I've gleaned over the years from reading other non-lawyers, so take with an entire shaker of salt.

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This isn't corruption, this is outright putrefaction.

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Wedge! I <squeed> when I saw his cameo in Rise of Skywalker. 🤓

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Trump just being his asshole self.

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Every day, I'm glad I chose not to have children.

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