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Please-he calls them “PRs”.

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It's also because he and his Russian disaster capitalism pals think it'll be easy land to steal, too

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Sounds like ANOTHER impeachable offense to me.

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Their electricity isn't nearly as secure as they seem to think, unless they have a yu-u-u-uge generator connected to their house with a safety transfer switch on it. The longer we go spending all our discretionary money on war rather than infrastructure, and allowing private companies to have monopolies on utilities and not do maintenance, the more tenuous everyone's electricity.

And these are the people least likely to have solar panels to fall back on, too.

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You want to talk like there isn't a racism problem that allows this kind of thievery in the Democratic party as well.

The passive "I'm going to look the other way" allowance and denialist type racism is what allows the violent and thieving types to flourish.

I will probably not quit saying it - and I'm not the only one saying it, either



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Good points!

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Good to see news from the MSNBC ghetto getting out to the NBC news outlets. I'm guessing Chuck Todd wants to keep his job?

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Fresh meat for the rubes.

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They look crispy. Are you sure it's not the KKK?

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PM of Canada at the time Jean Chretien's "Shawinigan handshake":Video: https://www.cbc.ca/player/p...https://upload.wikimedia.or...

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What will the Oath Keepers do about that?

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Absolutely nothing!

War. What is it good for?

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But if you are able to threaten Trump and make him look bad, then you get paid!!! Just go see Michael or Rudy for your cash and paperwork.

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If memory serves, Wonkette said Obama and Christie went to Disaster Prom together and even got their pictures taken. When the "folks back home" found out, they got pissed as Christie. So, Christie broke off the relationship and started to call Obama names again.

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Because they are constitutionally incapable of basic politeness?

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