I thought it was Area 51

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pence certainly had a lot of influence on the cabinet

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Marijuana has killed . . . umm . . . dozens? Versus some 400,000 for opiates.

Now that opiates are killing lots of rednecks, you might think the GOP would be singing a different tune . . . but only if you believed they actually cared about rednecks. When the rednecks wise up, which I do think is starting to happen (and has the GOP terrified), things will get interesting. I'd love to see "Redneck Lives Matter" become a thing in this context.

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Sadly, as long as the GOP can play the Second Amendment Card, rednecks may never wise up.

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I want to see him publicly humiliated as he is frog marched out of the WH.

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Now that Il Douche has installed an entire Cabinet of Deplorables, there seems to be a bit more resistance. Too little, too late. Let's hope the parade of Federalist-approved federal judge appointees gets at least as much attention. Gorsuch is just the tip of that shitberg.

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"Objectively false." Brilliant! A new way to call him out to his face... And here's more Trump added...

"the highest developed nation taxed in the world"

Those tax havens of Germany, France, Denmark... We need lower taxes like they have... We're taxing ourselves to ruin like... _________. I don't even want to pick on some random developing country...

He is monumentally fucking stupid... Exacerbated by the fact that he doesn't even remotely get how fucking stupid he is...

"We'll be lucky to live through this..."

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Ouch. Bibi burn!

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^^THIS^^ exactly.

To the voters: "We're gonna have great, affordable health care for everybody."To nobody in particular: "Somebody come up with a plan so I can sign it."(Then he has a tantrum when nobody comes up with the plan he ordered up.)

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I love them. They're a pair of foul-mouthed Molly Ivinses.

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If denied bond, he would join seven other white supremacists being held in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail in a special cell block designated for the growing list of inmates implicated in crimes related to the August 12th riot. They are considered to be at high risk if included in the general population of inmates from the community who are awaiting trial.

Ah where to go with this, do I complain that Nazis are still getting special treatment or do I point out that the reason they're in so much danger is the disproportionate arrest rates among non-whites.

Decisions decisions.

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They don't think Trump will last 3?

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"Dicksack" Lrrr, Ruler of Omicron Persei 8

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they brought a bottomless bag of money to the table and a shitload of lawyers that had previously worked for the DEA. because money= free speech and corps. = people. and the garden gnome needs to keep his prisons full.

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i still have that albumn and it still SOUNDS GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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