And fuck his staff. These assholes thought it was appropriate to do this and post the pictures online. Who thought it was fucking great to make the most psychopathic campaign ad I think I've ever seen, with video from the hospital visits with victims of domestic terrorism. It's set to crazy music and features nothing but Trump. No victims, no families, no first responders. Just a video about how much people love Trump, in the aftermath of a domestic terror attack. Fuck whoever on his staff had a hand in that, and chances are they're as psychologically fucked as Trump is.

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I don't get how that's not glaringly obvious to everyone, including his supporters. Sure, maybe they don't care or whatever, but they know he doesn't give a shit. That someone can actually look at Trump's behavior and not see the world's biggest malignant narcissist is insane. Of course he doesn't care.

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Some, inc the El Paso perpetrator, might have hesitated to fire at police over politics or race, but I doubt it's a major factor. Ironically, the New Orleans offender mentioned here specifically targeted law enforcement, to the point of racking up several bodies before his big spree. As I recall, that included his only non white victim, prob regarded as a collaborator.

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They are all just shells, empty shells, without compassion or even feelings, or any kind of himan emotion.

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God Almighty. If you were retouching the picture for propaganda purposes -- against Trump -- you couldn't make the grisly soulless rictus on his face look any worse. The only expressions he has that look natural are his childish pout, when displeased, and satisfied smirk, when pleased -- and he seldom is pleased, except with himself. Nor does the First Lady's expression seem much better.

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Hey Tito: are you aware that Orange Foolius hates your guts?

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Threw his orphaned nephew under the political photo-op prop bus too.

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I wonder which of Trump's policies and views has the brother so entranced?Doesn't he realize that Trump and the GOP do not give a damn about him.As far as his wish for a private meeting with Trump, don't hold your breath, chump.

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Why does Melania get away with wearing sleeveless dresses?

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That photo makes me want to puke. Who does he think he is, Fonzie?

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All feasible theories, but one of Epstein’s victims has already given a very detailed and convincing account of being raped by him & Cheeto, nearly simultaneously, so there’s that...noted, too, the absence of Bubba, who ran with that crowd, and the presence of - George Mitchell?! Yikes.

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His narcissism prevents that.

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If I had been a patient there, I would have welcomed Trump into my room. And thrown my bedpan at him.

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Apparently not. Not even after his hateful rhetoric cost him his brother and sister in law.

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Be grateful it's too hot for her green jacket. Be thankful she didn't wear what she wore in her previous photo shoots. You know, the ones with the other woman, the gun, the dress made with mirrors?

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