me, too.

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Yeah, I had one girlfriend say well, maybe if we get drunk, some night...I was like uh, I don't need to be drunk for that, and if you have to get drunk, perhaps it is not a good idea.

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They never realize how insulting it is, either. I wonder how they would feel if a man said to them "I could sleep with you, but I'd have to be pretty drunk"?

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Bad case of Trump Obsessive Love Disorder.

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Yeah, I just laughed it off.

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I pray that Oz runs on an Independent Oz ticket, those Republicans are such losers. Tell him, Trump!

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Ta, Dok. Exactly.

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Sumer is icumen in

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Read that as 'America Fisting'...

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I was really rooting for Kathy Barnette. I LOVE women who assume all lesbians are interested in sexing with them, when they randomly see them on an airplane, because that's totally a real thing that happens all the time.

Note to all heterosexuals: When you meet someone of the opposite sex, do you automatically assume that they want to have sex with you? Then PLEASE stop assuming all gay people want to sleep with you. When I was younger, thinner, and much cuter, I constantly had women that I wasn't attracted to assume that I wanted to sleep with them because I was gay. Being gay, doesn't make you a depraved degenerate who will sleep with anyone. Trust me on this one!

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Oz, you listen to donnie, he's a walkin' talkin' encyclopedia of smarts. A losing winner you might say !! YUP !!!!Take notes.

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Speaking as a cis/het middle-aged white male, I do assume everyone (regardless of gender or orientation) wants to have sex with me.

Unfortunately, I'm really busy most of the time so I have to pass. Because I don't like awkward conversations, I just play it off as if I didn't notice their raging lust.

It works pretty well.

Of course, being cis/het white and male does make me a depraved degenerate who will sleep with anyone, but as I said I'm super-busy so I have to make choices and abide by priorities.

/sarc off

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When I was younger, I used to get kind of a kick out of women automatically assuming I wanted to sleep with them. It led to some awkward conversations, because you don't want to say "I'm TOTALLY not attracted to you in any way" but at the same time you want to let them know "don't worry." I never could figure out why people just assume someone wants to sleep with them.

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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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I thought it was the hypocritical oath.

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¡Es obvio! First one to declare themselves the winner...wins. These new Trump rules are the best.

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