Ayn Rand burns in Hell!

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They tore children from their parents with no plan at all to reunite them! They are evil!

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They're working hard to make those figures $0 and $906.

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We're gonna need more pyramids.

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Why, does it not go back to 1895?

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That extra $1.50 from the tax cuts (for the super rich) isn't gonna go very far.

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Bullies never know what to do when their victims hit back.

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"this man managed to go bankrupt operating CASINOS"YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES AMEN HALLEBLOODYLLLUJAH! It's a Casino, fer the love o'corn! The customers are addicted! There's neither good nor service proffered! And--well, think about roulette, for example. Gambler bets that, out of 66 possible outcomes, one specific outcome and no other will happen. House bets that, out of 66 possible outcomes, LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE will happen. HE COULDN'T TURN A PROFIT WITH THAT MODEL?

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Did you not notice? They'll be giving you soybeans. Nice healthy soybeans. Not processed into food, mind you...

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Borrowing another 12 billion on top of the tax cuts (for the super rich) hmm?Just spitballing here, but at what point do the banks start thinking, hey, before 2016 we wouldn't lend Two Scoops a quarter for a phone call, why are we lending his administration money now?

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At least it's not socialist, because Republicans are doing it.

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Hey, we're only looking for a short-term fix, something to get us past the midterms.

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We think he was hiding out under the neighbor's shed and surviving on dog food. He was too freaked out to come when Mr. cmd called him even though he was pretty sure it was him. Finally he rigged up a cage with a door and lock and a long cable and waited him out and got him.

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I'm sure that the GOP defines "small farmer" the same way it defines "small business".

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Kinda clues us in on how Trump, as a private businessman, had to file for bankruptcy so many times. First: do things that either hurt, or fail to maximize, revenue. Second: get loans to cover the losses, hoping that a business rebound will enable you to repay the loans. Third: file for bankruptcy when revenue does NOT show up and repayments become burdensome. Fourth: rinse and repeat.

I mean, for crying out loud, this man managed to go bankrupt operating CASINOS - surely a business with "print money" stamped all over it, given that the house odds so favor the casino owner. Trump is now doing at the national level the same kinds of things he did in his business life. Buckle up - it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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