So here is one more of Criminal-in-Chief's Crime partners whom Trump is supporting to save his billions that he owes for his personal business. I wonder how much longer this deplorable Trump supporters especially Republican GYP women and GOP men are going to keep backing this tyrant up. Till Doomsday or the Day of Judgement? May the Evangelists and sodomizing Preachers like Pence and Grinrich be eternally damned along with the Chief Trump.

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"Uh, my fellow Americans, uh, I'm speaking to you today to tell you very forcefully that, uh, the Benghazi embassy was attacked by rogue killers. All of our top military leaders, uh, unanimously deny that there was, uh, anything that could have been, uh, done on the ground at the time to, uh, protect the embassy personnel. God bless, uh, America."

(The man said "uh" a lot. He could have said entire paragraphs, pages, reams, an infinity of uh's and still been more intelligible than Orange Doofus).

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See, though, he had to say it VERY FIRMLY. That's the difference.

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It is pretty scary how quickly that will take place too. It won't be a gradual rise in infections. There will be a single tipping point when there will be a pandemic with a commensurate level of deaths. Yes, children die from measles. Prior to the introduction of an effective vaccine in the 1950s about two and a half million children died each year from infection. Right now WHO reports that only 90,000 children died from measles worldwide in 2016. That protection comes from a single dose costing about one dollar US. Cheap, effective and sensible.

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Not even 'invade Afghanistan'. Rumsfeld's notes for the briefing on 9/11 were 'go for Saddam now!'.

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Sure, I TOTALLY believe what he said. He's a Republican, and they NEVER lie!

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Russian journalists are really clumsy. They keep falling out of buildings.

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There's not a goat within 100 miles of that gathering who feels safe.

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So all Obama had to do was claim the Benghazi embassy was attacked by rogue killers and the Pubes would have said: "OK, well, damn, nothing he or Hillary could have done about that. Let's move on to something else that's actually relevant."

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Yes, that's Pat.

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Only in Saudi Arabia do the bosses believe it's possible to bring a bone saw to an interrogation being done right.Actually, no.In Russia too. And considering how cool Donald Trump has announced himself to be with torture, very soon in Washington. It was so wimpy and hypocritical to farm torture out to secret sites on foreign soil the way GWB and Rumsfeld did.

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Fantastic! I feel a lot more hopeful now!

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Yes, indeed. Let the west keep sending weapons and the Saudis keep sending oil, and of course we should also shrug and say, "to endless slaughtered hell with Yemen." That is, we should shrug and say that if Yemen even existed, which of course it doesn't. Just ask Donald Trump if he's ever heard of it.

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I will be laughing my ass off at all those dopes who are buying these huge pickup trucks which they really have no need for(99% of them, I'd say). If there was a way to make gas go for $8 a gallon, just for them, I'd do it. Ford will have to start making cars again. Dumbasses.

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A double oxymoron.Also phantasmagorical.

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Ok law talkin' people, would it be a violation of BAR ethics if one of his lawyers that he refused to pay represented Warren in suing him for the money?

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