Imagine those two gargoyles bumpin' uglies.

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Sure. But let's at least make sure that he's the first president to be impeached twice.

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So, does anyone know how much it costs to build a guillotine? Asking for a friend.

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You expect to be alive in the 2100s then?

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Just a little while ago, Seth Meyers made a comment that Collins was setting up a commission to see whether she should look into whether her brow should be furrowed or not. Seriously!

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The burning of the White House by the British in 1812 will look like a trash can fire compared to what Trump might do.

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Were it not for the pandemic I might agree, but you know if the Dems did this, the Repubs would have a valid point that the Dems should be doing more about helping the people through the crisis, even if they are doing fuck all about it.

Trying to impeach Trump again at this point would only work in his favour at the ballot box.

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Which is why Warren should be Secretary of Treasury - not the AG, which should go to someone with lawyerin' experience, that person being Kamala Harris.

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They are real, and they are amaziing!

Just Google "McConnell Billboards" to see such other winners as...

PUTIN'S MITCHMOSCOW MITCHRussian Mob Money... Reallly, Mitch?

and other hits!

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Well, she was a law perfesser. Not a prosecutor, but she's no stranger.

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True, but her expertise has been in dealing with financial misdoings. After all, she came up with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in response to abuses by Wall Street that victimised consumers and nearly collapsed the economy, even though she ultimately did not run it.

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Would that Trump got catapulted into that chasm!

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Well, there's Iggy Pop, sometimes known as Ig for short.If we're lucky he could help search and destroy the Trump administration.

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Even photo-shopped McConnell looks like an evil idiot.

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