It'll never make sense until people stop trying to apply logic. None of this has anything to do growth or anything like that. Those are just the excuses. It's all about making Ryan and Bush and all their friends and cronies RICH. Who gives a fuck what effect it will have on the economy? A few white guys getting RICHER is all that matters - the rest of the country can go to hell. You can ignore anything else they say because it's just window dressing. MONEY -----> THEM is the whole equation.

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Well, that's certainly proof we deserved the vote.


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Maid: "...and don't you think I'm finished!"Jessica: "No, Swedish!"

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It'll last a year and then he'll have to get a new one.

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The campaign thing only looks crazy. In fact, it's a dodge to siphon more money into his coffers. The looking-crazy part is just gravy.

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You know, my rule of thumb is that nothing my painfully bourgeois mom did back in the seventies is still edgy forty years later.

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Come to think of it, he does rather remind me of the Gelatinous Giant.


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Coffee Spewed on the Keyboard Award, with Bastille cluster(fuck)

(Seriously, this is the best thing I've read all day)

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Time to retweet every time any of the other Repubs said bad things about Trump? You know he's paranoid that they'll turn on him again; this should be encouraged.

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Mmmmmaybe. With or without teeth?

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Rather sticky wicket as our friends across the pond wrestle with the horror of the Dissembling Lout stinking up Buckingham Palace and drawing Her Majesty into a transatlantic episode of 'Daddy-Boo-Boo Goes To London.'

Why not just buy the Tangerine Turd a day pass here: https://www.warwick-castle.com

He won't know the difference. Problem solved.

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The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

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Marcus Bachmann.

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Oreo has done some heinous things, but this is a fucking war crime.

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I like the way you put that. It certainly jibes with what I've learned in too many years of dealing with depression.

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