Also weird, The Trump donation (from any source) does not appear here even though the closed account was updated 6/16 and shows a handful of donations in 2015 and 2016. justice-contrib.pdf . Huh.

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And look here is the report that shows "And Justice For All" (EOC) raised more than $1M but spent less than $140K. I wonder where the other $860K went. Weird. http://dos.elections.myflor...

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Meanwhile, is anyone looking at whether Bondi took a bribe to drop an investigation of a company that turned out to be fraudulent? I mean, fuck Trump; she should be in jail.

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Because it would only redouble the nonsense about the Clinton Foundation from the howler monkeys. Best to just let the bad acts stack up one after another.

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Oh, look, there's more info on AJFAF (And Justice for All - Florida) contributions and expenditures here: http://justiceforallflorida...

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I have a mental picture of the financial wizards in the Trump Organization Foundation combing through the national listings of charities on Guidestar to try to find one with a similar name to Bondi's gig.

"Look! I found one! ... Oh."" 'Oh,' what?""Well, it's in Kansas, or someplace." "So what?""And I'm not sure what it does.""Dude, who fucking cares? Send them a check."

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I am a Guidestar junkie. I routinely look up the organization where I work to see what the top salaries are.

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This will depress Pam Bondi and she will bug Gov. Rick Scott to sign a death warrant to cheer her up.

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I can't be bothered with two bit campaign contribution law- lets nail their asses for the biggie- the bribe itself. Idiot Bondi really blundered here and her stupidity could send them both to jail. She goes to see Trump, who has never met her, after announcing a probe into TU. She gets 25K and THREE DAYS later cancels same. This timeline is a causal connection smoking gun. The Texas AG waited 3 years for his payoff. Why does the favor have to come BEFORE the money? Because money can wait. You CAN say: cancel the probe and a year later I'll give you money. You CAN'T say: give me money and a year later I'll cancel the probe. The probe has a life of its own, and is expensive. Question One: was anyone else present at the meeting. It doesn't matter if it was a lawyer, the conversation to obstruct justice would NOT be privileged. If a third party was present- they need to realize that they can go to jail. First one in the door gets immunity.

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Cool Hand Luke.

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Probably just some poor low level clerk doing jobs above his pay grade. Why would Drumpf hire a CPA?

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I hear there's a five-hour special on this, 11 PM Sunday on the Oneiromancy Channel.

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Lock him up! Then again, will he even get an FBI investigation?

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Everything Trump says about Hillary is basically some criminal act that he has actually done, trying to do reverse psychology.Investigate Trump NOW!!!!!!

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Everyone should Google Pam Bondi to keep her name in the news cycle for corruption with Donald Trump.

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"Dude, who fucking cares? Pretend to send them a check."FTFY

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