::runs in late, out of breath::

Hay, you guyzes, has anybody said, "Yeah, ON PUTIN'S DICK!!" yet?

::elbows everyone a la Paulie Walnuts::

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"We do not know why Trump keeps engaging in behavior that gets him gagged."


"Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)[1] is listed in the DSM-5 under Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders and defined as "a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness".[2]"


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Well if she didn't include "reposting old shit whiney baby attacks" he like a 10yo will just re-twit old tweets that predate the gag order cuz he always finds the little hole in the wall like a rat will.

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Can you imagine what a horrorshow his meetings with lawyers are like? Besides not understanding a thimblefull of what they say, and pushing bizarre legal strategies he learned from some movie, they have to constantly call him, "Mr. President."

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How can these strong men even cope, given the tears in their eyes?

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I don't think Evan should have wasted effort to inform the aliens from the future that yes, this is really happening on a planet that exists. Uh uh. They still won't believe it.

I daresay Evan knows too, and doesn't blame them, just leaving a historical note for the record.

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To the radioactive intelligent cockroaches of the future,

Yes, the USA let a man who tried to overthrow the government run for president again. We don't really know why either.

Yours truly, the obviously doomed human race.

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Don’t blame me I voted for Kodos.gif.

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I'll be talking to my people at "Kang for America" about this.

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At least the judges are starting to add the words "or else" to the end of their stern talking tos. Maybe by Christmas we'll see actual consequences levied.

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I'm curious, if the Judge just rules that he's violated his terms of release and revokes his bail... Is that appealable?

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Maybe, maybe not, but it IS very appealing.

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She just gave him some rope. Let's see what he does with it.

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Without clearly spelled out consequences, ones that feature the word JAIL, it's just performative. Even if they fine him, who cares? He'll get it from his supporters or Putin or just ignore that too.

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The thing is, the law on sanctions and contempt often requires these wait and see responses from judges. She's doing the smart and fair thing. He will have another opportunity to violate her order without going to jail, but he shouldn't bet on more than one.

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Hard to say but probably that thing he's been doing his whole life.

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Ummm I theorize that he'll tie a noose with it and attempt to victimize and intimidate witnesses and such, but what do I know?

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I agree. I also think the judge will wrap it below where his chin used to be.

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I sure hope that ends up being the case.

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That's never been in question. Whether she'll actually metaphorically hang him with that rope remains to be seen.

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"We do not know why Trump keeps engaging in behavior that gets him gagged."

Well, what happens to normal people when they are served gag orders and then violate them repeatedly? Do they just get served more gag orders? Or do they get remanded to a short stay in jail until they cool off?

When ... will some judge, somewhere ... treat Donald J. Trump like he is a normal person and not the KING?

Are they afraid that his minions will get violent? First of all, they already are violent, so that ship has sailed. Secondly, the more Trump is allowed to violate his gag orders, the more he can incite violence against everybody involved in the criminal justice system. Judges, prosecutors, and jurors do NOT become safer when judges decide, again and again and again and again, to wait and see whether Trump will ever have a change of heart and take responsibility for something when he is not ABSOLUTELY FORCED to do so.

"Wait and see" is not a substitute for prudence, strategy, or common sense. It does not protect the public. In particular, it does not protect the people in the criminal justice system who are trying to prosecute Trump according to the law.

If Trump was sent to jail, even for a FIVE-MINUTE TIME-OUT, his adoring followers would howl, but they would also see that Trump is NOT GOD. I think the criminal justice system has a PEDAGOGICAL function and needs to start TEACHING some people that the rule of law exists in the United States of America and that nobody is above the law.

Frankly, at the time being, I am skeptical that Trump is really subject to our law at all. Poor nonwhite folks are subject to the law, but rich white male personages are not really subject to the law, are they? Or at least, not so much. To rich white men like Trump, the "honor system" is always graciously extended, and it seems that no amount or degree of dishonorable conduct can cause it to be withdrawn.

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i believe the salient issue is protection of the public … by not enforcing judicial orders & laws the public is being placed in danger … if someone is injured or killed it is too late … the system (DOJ, prosecutors, etc …) is actively not protecting by cutting don slack …

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"We do not know why Trump keeps engaging in behavior that gets him gagged."

Sure we do. It's so he can fundraise off of it all.

It's always, always, always about the grift.

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The “why” is because not only are there no repercussions but he makes money off it

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I believe in the legal parlance, a "landmine" is an argument or issue which is craftily raised at trial solely for its potential to trigger relief, or at least exploration, on appeal. The collection of half-wits representing Trump are not planting "legal landmines" they are just crapping all over the lawn, which will do nothing but kill the grass.

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hello Boogeyman! it's 4:20 somewhere anyway.

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I'm honestly saddened to hear that Suzanne Sommers was an open Trump supporter. So now I really feel robbed of my adolescence.

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After she left acting and started her exercise videos she ended up peddling all kinds of crap. Of course she was a Trump supporter.

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Why? She was never more than the jiggle on a dreadful 'comedy' about sex. She was not only a PAB acolyte but a toxic scammer, anti-vaxxer, and opponent of health care expansion.

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This will leave him free to — bless his heart — speak freely on matters pertaining to his 2024 presidential run.

“Trump will finally talk about his stances on policy. How this gag order is Bidens worst nightmare” - Politico

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surprised he didn't write a rambling paragraph about how he almost ̶s̶e̶x̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶u̶a̶l̶t̶e̶d̶ "dated" Suzanne Somers.

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But then he decided she was a dawg and not his type. She called for weeks.

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