I'd rather he default on Putin.

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No it is 43% of those who voted, not of the population as a whole.

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Assassins creed Odessey is free for the weekend on Ubisoft.com.

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Yes, you are right.

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Cruiseships too.

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As if most of those basement dwellers have any idea, how anything works.

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Putin told her to, either because it would cause more chaos, or Russia is suffering too, and he realizes we need someone stable at the helm. (That he can always kneecap later.)

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Natural state.

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Follow up with his other prophetic quote...


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I just donated a half dozen P95 masks that I use in my shop for woodworking & some latex gloves. A friend of ours who is a nurse at the local hospital said they were restricted to one mask per 12 hour shift and are running low on disposable nitrile gloves. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. On the bright side the Pentagon just announced the successful test of a hypersonic missile so we can all sleep well knowing our nation is protected from our enemies. What a stupid fucking country.

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Wait, because in November we will kick this asshole and his toadys to the curb. Then come January the state indictments will start to drop and it will be perp walk time. Don't give in to despair there are bright days ahead.

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Do you happen to know if that was a real place? Even in that tiny size, I'd like to rush down that river to that house. And the colors are perfect. Did his pictures get any attention-- I mean, so that he could get the satisfaction?

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Nah. It doesn't feel that way to me. (like I know.) It's hard accepting all those fellow Americans who are unprincipled and who say "Let 'em die," meaning people without insurance and all the other things we aren't allowed to comment about. Maybe going thru a pandemic will wear away that horrible feeling.

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He's not the boss of me : )

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How are you doing?

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