I didn't experience anything that bad. I have engaged with some Kamala supporters that were quite passionate. There is an element of Senator Harris' supporters that reminds me of Berniebros. They want Kamala or no one. The passion is admirable, but I hope the folks who are not trolls will support the Democratic nominee. It is a damn shame that dumbfucks like Steyer and Bloomberg would rather inflate their own egos, and throw their own money down the toilet in a hopeless act of self-flagellation, than support a truly qualified candidate like Kamala Harris. I liked her best. But even if the nominee is ol' Malarkey, he'll get my vote. Maybe that's part of the problem.

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It's definitely different.

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But the federal judge doesn't get to comment on it every day!

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"totally fair"? Sure, if you think going down on the Titanic because although you saw the iceberg, you were too angry at the crew to say something about it, is fair. Tortured analogy, perhaps, but this stupidity hurts us all and doesn't help the person doing it.

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purity ponies - of any strip - are the worst. I'm not convinced they are actual supporters

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I'm banned from FB and Twitter because I pissed them off.

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I've never considered the purity ponies to be of any one group, though I can see a lot of them being anti-vaxxers somehow. Both groups exist outside of reality and do a lot of harm with their beliefs.

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Which makes me convinced even more that it's far right wing and Russian trolling, with foolish dupes going along with it. They love silencing the opposition. Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg are completely oblivious to it--even REDDIT recognizes "brigading" and stops it. Geez.

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9.8 m/s²

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You know, I want to go out and commit crimes now. Some serious, some minor. And I want to use the patented Trump defense of, "You're not the boss of me" to get out of trouble.

How could it go wrong?

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Hey. It's tasty and convenient and I can't make my own right now.

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Not the least of which is it's name. Mount Real. That's what you call a city when you truly do not care what other people think about it.

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I ran that image through some special filters.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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