It can only go better than Trump Airli- oh.

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She was a mighty cold person in her old age.

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If Donald Trump is Nora Desmond, then Mike Pence is William Holden face-down in the swimming pool.

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given that he owns a hotel in Vegas, that'd he'd just do the Cher thing and set up a residency there where he can do a stage show with all his greatest hits every night for the next ten years.

My first response was "Cher libel!".My second response was that would be perfect. He could get the love he needs every night and the rest of us would be free from that horror of a human.

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Shoot I'd drink Boston or New York tap water over basically any of the bottled brands. But still, my Mom thinks I'm nuts when I tell her drink tap water. "You don't even have a filter?!?"

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iiTrump is dissolving into absolute and complete megalomania...

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From GOD:You could be right given his past performances.

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Trump's 15 minutes was over about 12 minutes ago. He hasn't caught up yet. I honestly think he's done.

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think of the property depreciation for his neighbors tho, with all the MAGAt's coming to worship

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Yep, he already has kids with his wife, then knocked up another women, then tried to cause her to miscarry by putting crushed-up Plan B in a smoothie he gave her. He's an unbelievable piece of shit.

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Trump had 90 million Twitter followers, and if anyone knows how to keep people entertained, it's him. It's why he was a success on The Apprentice. The short format of Twitter is perfect for him, both because he deals in nonfactual outrage triggers, and because his followers have the attention span of a tardigrade.

Limbaugh had 15 million regular listeners, and that brought him an annual income of $85 million. I see no reason why Trump should not be as successful in this as Limbaugh. It's really his wheelhouse.

Like Limbaugh, Trump Media is good entertainment. But Trump, like Limbaugh, is unlikely to be able to turn that into a platform for another political role. He and his family are too tainted and unpopular. 15 million is a tidy number for a radio/internet/tweetstorm/podcast thingie. It won't get you elected Florida state dog catcher.

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It would just be Vegas returning to its mafia roots, before the whole "family-friendly gambling" thing.

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Trump has a hard time with animals - they know a soulless zombie when they smell one.

I picture his act much more along the lines of the Vegas classics of the 1960s. In fact, he resembles all of them: Sexual Predator Deano, Oily Wayne Newton, Servile Panderer Sammy Davis Jr., Fat Repulsive Slob Rodney Dangerfield, Vicious Bigot Jackie Mason, Paunchy Has-Been Elvis, Crass Vulgarian Don Rickles. And he shares a sublime sense of taste and style with Liberace.

I can see him now, in his ill-fitting cutaway tux, up on the glittering main stage, introdoocing for your pleasure tonight the fantastic - really fantastic - Great Ginese Acrobat Troupe. You've never seen acrobats like these! Really! I'm telling you!

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In fairness, he didn't stand to make a cent off of Infrastructure Week, the Israel-Palestine Peace Accord, or Operation Warped Speed.

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Not worth the hassle.

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Hard to figure out how a company that has no manufacturing costs, minimal distribution costs, and zero reliance on fossil fuels, and with roughly $3.5 billion in quarterly revenue, can lose more than $100 million a year. No worries, though, it's stock is still worth whatever random value rabid speculators want to give it $36 billion.

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