The trip is canceled. John Bolton just said so.

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I suppose it had to happen. The wingnut horde of shrieking howler monkeys is saying in mindless chorus that Putin is justified in wanting to "question" McFaul (with burning pine splinters under the fingernails or electrodes to the groin initially?) They are highly suspicious of him because he was appointed ambassador to Russia by Obama. Maybe Barack Obama was sort of impressed by his immense qualifications in Slavic studies, Russian history, and his fluency in the language? Wouldn't surprise me. We all know nothing's beyond Obama.Said wingnuts have also discovered that McFaul is, in mindless chorus now, a Clinton lackey and George Soros hireling. What raises my rage to the point of incandescence (one of the things) is that I'll bet money these ignorant yoyos never heard of McFaul until now.Fuck them. I am vindictively hoping their disappointment over McFaul's continued safety eats into them like vitriol.

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And super cool. (Female here.)

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That works too, I just figured having a FEEEEEEEEMALE time traveler fix our shit would have more poetic justice to it.

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who's gonna listen to him?

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Why not?- MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL owners

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Yup. Remember, he doesn't care. Hell, he might arrange to slip a team into the country to grab McFaul and take him to Russia. Or at least look the other way. 'No-one could have predicted this. What can we do?'

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'Oh, dear, Mr "President," you had just ONE job to do and you failed. Now we compound hourly instead of daily.'

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I don't know what the fuck this is, but it sure ain't Gefilte Fish!

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He's safer in solitary. Even if he doesn't rat on Putin. Vladimir's spies in the U.S. are probably telling him, "Boss, even you would not BELIEVE what it's like here! Manafort isn't useful any more, assassinate him. All the wingnuts will be convinced their imaginary Deep State did it, and the GOP will encourage the belief."

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I'm no expert. I just know how the U.S. constitution defines it. I believe it consists in, and only in, making war on the U.S. while being a citizen thereof, or giving aid and comfort to its enemies -- in, I guess, time of war, not otherwise. That doesn't make espionage against the U.S. any less a capital crime, or so I believe. It used to be, anyway.Maybe it would depend (the treason charge) on whether cyber-attacks constitute an act of war, and whether one coming from Russia would mean a state of warfare existed. Systematic cyber-attacks by one country against another, especially involving something as crucial as a presidential election with a possible Russian puppet as the candidate ("No puppet, no puppet … YOU'RE the puppet!") bloody well should be regarded as acts of war, in my view, and if they're not, the conditions and definitions need to be upgraded, pronto.I keep thinking, with icy chills, about the possible consequences of cyber-attacks on, for instance, air traffic control -- or even the U.S. missile system. The results of economic cyber-warfare might be less spectacular, but the damage might be even more pervasive. And I'm not about to be persuaded, certainly not by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that Russia has stopped working hard at improving its cyber-attack techniques.But what do I know? I've been conclusively informed by a commenter on the Daily Wire that I'm a mental midget.

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Blast! I knew, but I never saw the significance!

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I don't know why everyone thinks Putin has kompromat on Trump. Putin doesn't need it. He's been flattering, fluffing, and financially supporting Trump for decades. Of course Trump thinks Putin is the moon and the stars. And we now have a clear answer to the question, "Does Trump have any loyalty to America?" Absolutely not if he could even contemplate for a second handing over an american citizen to the Russians.

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The hell you say!

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Trump: "But my interest rate!"

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I think Melanie's 'noctas' are a little past the 'prima' stage (not that there is anything objectionable about that), 'Droit du seigneur' is probably a more accurate description there.

That would make an AWESOME t-shirt for Wonks to have. Here is the sad thing, that is pretty much what the Russian Oligarchs are, feudal lords with that much money and power available to them to easily recreate that power dynamic in the modern age. That is preciely the same circumstances the wealthy in the U want to duplicate here.

Have a great day!

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