I would say they're the e-lite, where the "e" stands for evolved, and the lite stands for the same thing it means on their beer cans.

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Needs better costuming..... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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But not enough to $hut it down, I'll bet.

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Hannity's expression tho' - like a kid whose blindfold is taken off at the party because he hit the pinata and gets ALL the candy !

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So sick of these Nazi rallies. Now der Pumpkinführer is bringing his ministers of propaganda out on stage.

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And they're kind of really embarrassed by Fox News.

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He's also trashed his brand. All he has left after he leaves office is tweeting how terrible everything is because he's not in charge. Except that, once he's gone, no one will care, and not even Fox News will return his phone calls.

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And that was the last Trump midterms rally until probably next week when he decides he really likes doing them more than anything else. FOUR MORE YEARS!

Next week, the reelection campaign rallies start. Nonstop for the next two years.

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This is the main reason why Trump wanted to do his whole schtick.

it's the only thing about his "job" he cares about, which explains his complete disregard for everything else about it.

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Moe Koffman, jazz flautist who had a long career plus one smash with "Swinging Shepherd Blues" sometimes introduced it in concert as "a medley of my hit". So yeah, probably not accidental and definitely not unprecedented.

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No doubt they organized a bus trip to the FL rally for the folks from Mexico Beach. Wonder if they ever even got their FEMA trailers yet...any 'Gators here know?

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Since judge is letting emoluments violation case re DJTs DC hotel go forward, perhaps CREW or an equally creative, like-minded org should begin a new lawsuit...something about a) why are we paying for ANY part of these rallies, when RNC or 2020 campaign should be covering travel/security/etc.; b) is Faux not registered w/FCC as a 'news organization'? What regulations should/protections should not apply to the arm of a political party, can they still sell advertising w/o disclosing who will benefit? If you can't vaporize 'em with votes, lambaste them with lawyers, we always say...:)

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The truth.Is he still alive?

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They would only have to copy and paste one.

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"We Are The Super Elites"

A fave Queen tuneOr KingOr Prime MinisterOne of those.....

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True. But he also soooo wants the respect and admiration of the people he considers the real elite: the rich, the famous, the beautiful. And he's lost them forever. It must eat him up inside. Good.

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