I'd be satisfied with the removal of goresuk. The lesser assholes can always be overridden by the supremes.

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Ehh, it's all lawyer speak.


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Sounds reasonable. By his own admission, he knows nothing about human anatomy.

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Thanks for that link. Something new to read in the middle of the night when I'm fucked up and just generally pissed off

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we can all hope once trump goes down due to being Putin's cock holster (thanks Colbert) the democrats can reverse as much as possible by saying whatever he and administration did was illegal

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and most christians haven't read the bible either

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when trump was elected. the bar for any sort of qualifications for a job fell through the ground.

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They did just long enough to con the rubes into electing them.

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If it were not for the fact he is one of the Republican shits on the FEC, I would almost feel sorry for him figuratively having his pants yanked down in front of over a million people and counting. But since he is, I don't give a fuck.

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It won't matter since they are appointed for life, and we can't get rid of them.

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Yes, but why do some of them graduate?

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Probably just focuses on one or two of his favorites.

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"No, sir...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Don McGahn's b-hole last night! "

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Nope, anyone that clueless that they are not competent for the job they are interviewing for deserves no sympathy.

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