Moral and brilliant Kryptonite for the MAGA crowd

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West calling himself "Ye" is like Rafael Cruz calling himself 'Ted', as if we're all going to forget they're fucking assholes.

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Look, I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask, who the hell else is going to want to have lunch with teh Donald? If we start excluding fascists and other such folk, he's going to be a lonely guy.

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Liverwurst sammich & a bag o' chips! Hey, that's not so bad... A quiet lunch, reflecting on your place in the AAAAARRRGHHH!!!!!!!!!

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I heard his next album was called "White Lives Matter."

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I seem to remember it was Ronnie that done him in..although I don't put it past the party machine to blow it in historic fashion.

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Thx, I might check it out!

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To me one of the best aspects of all this was the howl of anguish from Ben Shapiro, who just could not believe that anti-Semitism could have a home in the modern Republican Party. Not so funny when it happens to you, is it , Ben?

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These guys are tarnishing George Lincoln Rockwell's legacy./s/

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The Democratic establishment scorned him from the first, the ones in Congress sat on their hands.

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No, but he's very concerned someone might think so.

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Republicans treated Jeremiah Wright like Obama’s personal Hunter Biden, but Obama publicly repudiated his former pastor.

As I remember it, Wright was criticized (and hated!) for saying, "God Damn America!" not for racism.

What always strikes me as ridiculous is that few people made available more of the text of the Wright sermons where he said this. The point of saying "God Damn America" was to highlight the forgiveness, the blessings, and the generous nature that flowed from the Christian god.

For Wright, this was a story of original sin. Like humanity itself, America had committed an original sin. Like humanity itself, the USA had therefore earned the condemnation of a good god.

And yet! God bestowed blessings on the USA and its people instead! What a great god! What a world in which even a nation like the USA, built on slavery, could be redeemed from damnation and made glorious instead.

The story that Wright told of the USA (and of the white families whose earlier members owned slaves and later members voted and even fought for an end to racism) is the story of Christianity itself.

Wright wasn't saying "God damn America" to express hatred for the country. He was doing it to express his theological commitment to a loving god who can work with the most flawed clay to create lasting beauty and utility.

To criticize Wright is to criticize the theology of Christianity... AND YET! All those fucking assholes on the theocratic Right who claim to be Christians went off on Wright as if they'd never heard of original sin, of being cast out of paradise, of deserving death and damnation, and then being loved anyway.

Look, I'm not Christian. I'm just a bad mostly-atheist sorta-Jew whose been to Christian churches with various friends and family members sometimes. Studying Christianity and Christian theology isn't my bag. I'd rather eat a whole etrog raw than talk to someone who believes that Revelations is future-history.

And with all that, EVEN I could recognize the Christian theology in the brief clips of Wright's sermons, later confirmed by seeking out longer clips/transcriptions. I needed just a couple seconds to recognize, "Oh, it's that original sin shit, and he's playing up how many bad things the USA did to make it that much more emotionally powerful that EVEN WITH ALL THAT god still loves the USA."

That some right wing theocrats didn't recognize this is statistically inevitable: a lot of them are pretty deeply ignorant and stupid. But that NO right wing theocrats recognized this is impossible.

The right wing knew that Wright was doing nothing more than expounding Christian theology as it applies to nations, and yet they supported the crucifixion of Wright as if he was the asshole. I even heard them on TV saying that Wright was a real Christian if he was saying "god damn America" because the Christian god was about forgiveness.

They were the ones rejecting Christianity. It's amazing to me that this narrative wasn't debunked 15 years ago, but it's also certainly a testament to right wing Christianity's commitment to dishonesty.

By their fruits, you shall know them indeed.

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Like how on 1/6 tfg said let them bring their weapons; they're not here to hurt ME.

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