Bear LIBELZ!!1!

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The Revenant libelz, too.

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He /is/ a useful idiot. A useful idiot that will gladly commit treason for his personal gain.

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Let's not forget, though. Putin was malevolently eager to make Donald Trump President of the U.S. He mounted a cyber-attack and took other measures to achieve just that. His kompromat on Trump went back years before the presidential campaign. All pretty much established now.But the GOP's voter suppression and that unfortunate (hell, tragic) Supreme Court decision of 2013 which hamstrung the Voting Rights Act did even more to get a Kremlin puppet installed in the Oval Office. Crooked and unprincipled are kind words for the Republican Party.Meseems I hear a mighty chorus of "Ya think?" out there.

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Yes! What about those e-mails? And Uranium One and PizzaGate too? Those are the REAL scandals!

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Obligatory rant coming. He started out clueless. Figured dealmaking was dealmaking. No idea what "national security" means. I'm sure when someone told him he could get in trouble for Russia treason he was like "what is this 'treason' of which you speak?" Why else would he publicly ask the Russians to hack HRC and tell the world he sure was relieved that Comey wouldn't be around to hassle him about Russia. He gets that he could be in trouble, but he still thinks it's NBD and much ado about a little dealmaking. I sooooooo very much want to see the orange one head to toe in orange, walking the perp walk, with the entire world watching. For his criminal failure to understand or value the office of President, his attempt to blatantly abuse the power of the office for his personal and political gain with wanton disregard for the wellbeing of the US of A....(and all the countless things he is turning to shit as he always does) and I want every single person who voted for him to be banned from voting ever again.

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True but, you see, poor sad Raymond was actually brainwashed, as opposed to merely venal and stupid. BTW...Best. Movie. Ever.

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They've all done so much irreparable damage to the country. I mean, not as much as Obama's tan suit, but still...

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Screwing over the country to own the libs.

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I hope so you can project it on the White House 24-7.

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Yet another example of tRump's collusion with Russia is the recently leaked information that he has been floating the idea of withdrawing the US from NATO.

From HuffPo:https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-nato-withdrawal_us_5c3d8cb4e4b01c93e00d1e2d

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Yeah, go ahead. Steal it to your heart's content. That's what I did!

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I bet the Russians have full, accurate copies.

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Let's not forget Judge Crater. Hillary was certainly in on that.

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