Being a member of a Death Cult results in death. Who knew?

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They now match Secret Service to the people they protect.

Now the Secret Service people who serve a President are selected in part based on personal willingness to be loyal to that individual President. Frankly, if not, I would not have bet on the safety of President Obama.

In the Clinton administration (yes you can look this up) many of the secret service were Bush luving Republicans who did not like that "white trash", "race traitor" or his *&()$ wife. As a result, they leaked like sieves creating careers such as Noonan (sp?), Ken Starr and his assistants Comey and Justice McRapey. After the creation of the modern secret service and before Clinton there was not such screeching hate of a President, so it was not such an issue. (As many of you know, I keep pointing out that the modern personality-driven hate-based politics at the presidential level truly began with the rage machine pointed at the Clintons and the deification beam focusing on traitorous AIDS-supporting Reagan.)

So yeah, they are in the cult.

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I would say this shameful, but it seems feeling shame is no longer a conservative trait.

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It's too bad more of those assholes weren't taken out. Capitol police should be armed with automatic rifles or at least have very quick access to them and lots of ammo.

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I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Raise hell and get the money back.

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Just for the sake of clarification, our comments policy does bar calling for people to be harmed, but idiotic comments saying "I'm glad they died" are allowed, if completely tasteless.

Immediately after replying to you, I'm going to be removing at least one comment that actually does wish that the Capitol Police had killed more of the insurrectionists, which definitely does violate the policy.

If I missed calls for Bernie Sanders to be murdered of for him to otherwise come to harm, that's only because they weren't flagged for moderation, not because of favoritism, I can assure you. I like Bernie a lot. But I'm also not able to read every comment posted here. Please do flag comments that you believe violate the policy.

As a matter of fact, I only saw your comment because it was flagged (not by the person you replied to. I have no idea why, as your comment is perfectly cromulent.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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One of tRump's crazed Nazi terrorists "fucked around and found out". A threat was eliminated.

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Please review the rules. We actually don't allow or encourage fantasies about mowing down people en masse. No, not even violent Capitol invaders.

They sure as hell should have been arrested the day of, or met by sufficient numbers of police and Guard members that they never got in.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Kaczinski tried to warn us.

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As one of the Koch brothers said when asked why he stole the oil land of an American Indian for a single well. "I only want my fair share, which is all of it!"

You see, it's power, control,...emotions never are involved. The game is that you should never lose, at any level.

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Taking the road trip to hell.

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Granny K, I'm hungry for tasteless. Cook us up some-a that down home nastiness!

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Agree on all except the stray bullet thing; not a single POS in that crowd would deserve an iota of sympathy. #TeamStrayBullets

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22 miles to Santa Maria for "fancy" clothes for special occasions and when they opened a MALL! we were enthralled. Briefly. Because being unable to afford anything offered was a buzzkill. 'Cept Hot Dog On A Stick. Mmmmm, hot dog onna stick....

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This ASSHOLE Drumpf and his supporters are why this country really needs funding for psychiatric help and more of it.

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Copaganda. Good one, Stephen. Trump supporters are copraphiliacs.

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