Hey, you didn't miss anything, Evan, I linked to that article by Jonathan Chait (aka my boyfriend) a few days ago. That whole thing made me want to vomit, but also made me feel vindicated, because I have been saying for YEARS that Larry Kudlow, Joe Kernan, and Rick Santelli are the wrongest, dumbest, fucks on the planet, and I have NO idea why any of them are employed by CNBC because they know jack shit about the economy, or economics. I'm literally more qualified than any of them.

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Which begs the question as to why in fucks' name S&S thought hey - totally worth the bad PR to probably lose money! Giving an asshole money aside, it's just poor business.

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Memory holed.

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Maybe it's a case of disconnected suits confusing being an obnoxious prick with being edgy?

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I believe this too. Even writers and other artists who achieve the level of wealth we're talking about here (multi-millions or billions) are very likely exploiting workers who are underpaid in the production and dissemination of their work. Other very rich people who seem nice, like Warren Buffett, are investing in - and increasing their great wealth from - companies that exploit. This is so wrong. I am weary of hearing that fabulously wealthy people contribute one single fucking thing of value to this planet.

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Does Kudlow bring his own knee pads when he visits Trump? Does he wear his quick release trousers? Does he still have the deed for the bridge Trump sold him?

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I remember a lovely young lady, the daughter of a very powerful investment banker, at a dinner party, where she urinated into a wine bottle, for the amusement of all the well heeled guests who'd shown up on behalf of a charitable organization providing surgery for children with facial deformities.

Rich people are better sexually, while poor people think getting on your knees in a room full of well heeled dinner guests is a sign of subservience.

Clearly, the poor are responsible for all the bad things that happen to them.

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That is what THEY want you to think.

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Kudlow is right. The very wealthy do not need to cheat, lie, fuck, forge, hide and steal. They simply do so out of long habit.

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If you feel victimized by the advertising, maybe you should stop paying attention to it.

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Poor Mssr. Balzac! Was that autocorrect or intended for this taint of an Administration?

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Kudos for your optimism, then, I guess. I am not there (i.e. in a generous place regarding them) anymore, and am pretty against the optimism-slash-normalization of the Yamzilla Men that a lot of the media folks are encouraging us to embrace -- to me that's the media-abandoning-their-posts thing that you're talking about. In any event -- apologies for my tone, it's on the condescending side today ...

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I didn't say I was feeling victimized by advertising. I was pointing out that in the entertainment industry wealth is not always correlated with talent.

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And for fun.

PS, I'm glad to see my old name going to good use.

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"...the election was rigged..."

I think we have a winner!

Maybe not "rigged" in the immediate sense, but these guys are playing a long game. I may have mentioned this before, but in my relatively conservative, white, middle class neighborhood, it took me 20 minutes from the time I hit the parking lot of my voting place until I was on my way to work. The place is close enough I could walk.

A friend of mine who lives in a predominately middle-class Black neighborhood had to drive to her polling place (granted she lives in a residentially-dense area with low walkability) and waited as long as she could before she had to get to work. She went back at lunch time and waited 3 1/2 hours. But she said it was fun because nearly everyone in line was there for Hillary.

They've been planning this shit for a long time and doing everything they possibly could to make sure this election was theirs. They give zero shits about the average or even slightly-above-average American. It's all about the money going into their own pockets.

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If you delve into any wealthy person's family history, you'll find a crime responsible for that wealth. The idea that smart people work really hard to accumulate their wealth is an American myth propagated by the children and grandchildren of the people who made their fortunes engaging in illegal activities.

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