They disproportionately affect minorities, but they absolutely affect poor white voters. Eight percent isn't nothing.


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What's wrong with mixing business with pleasure?

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What did Baffin Island ever do to you?

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There have been a few in the past. Honestly they are probably as good as whatever nintendo will make. Lunar Magic outshines Mario Maker any day of the week.

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I disagree. They know precisely how it works. They are working very hard to make sure it never works again

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Nato needs to kick out the US.

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Well that should scare the shit out of the N. Koreans.

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All I could think of was the Spanish Armada, which sounded kind of old. The enemas could work. Or else just a whole bunch of chocolate cake.

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Mulvaney, on his long game: "the public's not ready for it yet". Translation: the public's not ready to become solvent green but, face it, folks - that's where Mulvaney's heading.

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But I thought we couldn't have economic growth until we paid off the debt? Now we are going to have economic growth and then maybe pay off the debt? I has a confuse.

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You know, any more Trump is like that weird brother-in-law you have who is responsible for everything that goes well in the family, but had nothing to do with anything that goes wrong. He pontificates endlessly on how he was the one who told you to refinance your house, and told old Aunt Ginny to get a reverse mortgage. But he totally was against your Dad selling the business and moving to Arizona because he knew he'd hate it there.

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I may like boobs, but that set with the "I Voted" sticker are scary to me; almost look like a butt.

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one of them looks like he or she is vaulting off the tree trunk. So cute!

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don't you just wanna hug them all?

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