"The con isn't in getting you to pick the wrong shell. The con is in getting you to accept that the basic premise of the game is still being followed. The con is in getting you to pick a shell at all."
I've been thinking of her all week. Are we close enough to the election to start talking about killing people with votes? My shrink said no more than 2 Xanax a day but that was before BabyJailGate.
They may also accidentally insert weiners in some of them, not that we would ever hear about it. I suspect some have already been sold into the weiner-inserting market.
"The con isn't in getting you to pick the wrong shell. The con is in getting you to accept that the basic premise of the game is still being followed. The con is in getting you to pick a shell at all."
How do you know he didnt?
I want to imprison the babies of Princess Sparkle Pony. Is that too mean? They could bring their jewelry and yarmulkes.
Are you okay?
I believe Stephen Colbert characterized him as SAD NECK WITH HAIR.
Thanks for making me homesick AND pissed that Helena has no skyscrapers. Unless you count that domed thing.
I think so.
Holy fuck.
The referees said: one lie every two minutes. I het him.
I've been thinking of her all week. Are we close enough to the election to start talking about killing people with votes? My shrink said no more than 2 Xanax a day but that was before BabyJailGate.
In Texas.
Where are the girls? Where are the babies?
Thanks for the new addition to my vocabulary! Kudos!
They may also accidentally insert weiners in some of them, not that we would ever hear about it. I suspect some have already been sold into the weiner-inserting market.
He and the piano will be defenestrated simultaneously in the atrium, a race to the bottom floor.