Our population is aging. We need new, young workers to support our economy. I would think Dem politicians would point out that these new, young, immigrant workers would also help pay for SS and Medicare.

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Yeah. I'd like to see Trump pass a civics test (or any test of knowledge about facts).

The only reason he wouldn't flunk is that he'd cheat.

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This cracker-assed cracker might just say it, too. Also.

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So trump will take the test, Sarah will announce that he aced it. Then Congress will asked to see the graded test, and we will have yet another Constitutional crisis on our hands.

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Buying shit, yes. We are "consumers." Shit, more shit, and shiny shit ! IMHO, FB should be renamed "Keeping up with the Joneses."

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Fuck yeah!

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Hey Alex Trebek....I'd love to see the presidential candidates and Trump on a special edition of Jeopardy! With categories like: U.S. Constitution, Economics, Civil Rights, World History, U.S. History, Civics, U.S. Military, NATO, North America, etc. Hey "commander in chief" Trump quickly now....how many aircraft carriers does the U.S. Navy have in commission? Name ONE of them. LOL

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I adore that idea!

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Well - just know that if you're going to continue to live as a free citizen, POC are going to need your help with those voting rights.

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Is it going to work in reverse? Those already here whose age, English proficiency, offer of employment and education levels, as well as background checks and (real) health levels, will be exported even if they were born in New York City...Nah, I thought not. Asking the Trump Dynasty to pass a current civics test is a bridge - or wall too far.

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Interesting that they would mention Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists as a requirement for immigration and to demonstrate American patriotism. That is the letter where Jefferson stated there should be a wall separating religion and government. Have the evangelicals appropriated that call to keep religion out of government and turned it into a reason for government to fund religious schools, ban abortions, discriminate against non-christians, or anyone not straight and white? Because that letter refutes everything the Republican party and the alt-christian evangelicals stand for now.

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Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican, you know. Many people do not know that. Too bad about him losing the Civil War, though.

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3- Women... possessions or people? (Pick one)

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So I'm assuming you do not live in rural Alabama.

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I've said the same thing. Can you imagine what a game with HRC and The Dotard would have looked like?

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Lindsay will proctor the exam to make sure he doesn't cheat.

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