Keep your eyeyeee on the sparrow 🎶

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Is “get under the hood” code for “pull all the assets out in the form of sacks of gold coins with $$ signs on them”?

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Under the hood, throwing Jared under the bus?

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Record his perp walk on a 45 single! More collectable than AOL disks!

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"...a sign that the investigation into the former president's finances continues to expand, according to people familiar with the investigation."

Here we go again. Pull on one thread and unravel a sweater. There are simply TOO MANY crimes to investigate because everything this guy did was illegal. It'll take years to figure it all out.

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Rump "wants to get under the hood" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Under a tall pointy white hood?

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Thinking about Trump being arrested makes me feel funny in my swimsuit area. I'd better stop, blue balls are no fun. Sadly, he has Secret Service protection, so an arrest would have to be carefully negotiated and probably would not happen even if he's indicted. An arraignment would be arranged and he would remain a free man until convicted and sentenced.

Too bad.

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That was my immediate first thought, too.

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Yep. He will never suffer the dreaded “perp walk,” which he and all of us deserve (he to walk, us to see). The best we can hope for? “Charges Filed Today Against Twice Impeached Former Steak Salesman.”

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