Cat asshole mouth should be the tenth.

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Haha, this is *literally* where my mind went upon reading that sntence. Trying to eat anything, at all, at any time, when seated near that man would be hard enough, but breakfast? No no no no no!

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For instance, emoluments should get its own listing now.

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How does DJT swim in such a sewer and remain squeaky clean? Short answer: he doesn't. He does the backstroke. People just give him money. He hardly knows them.

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How much of that sweet, sweet inauguration money found its way back in Trump's bank account. A simple question and the answer, I suspect, will tell us everything that we need to know to send this fraud packing.

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Add Cruelty to that list.

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Or you tear off the bottom and pull out another length.

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I finally realized that as a kid when a couple weeks after seeing a live match I saw two different wrestlers in another match on TV do the same fight sequence...

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Dotard is a crook... How else can it be summed up? His followers are morons in their own right.

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It was drained and then they filled it backup to record levels of rat fuking shit weaseling. The swamp lives on.

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But but Benghazi!!!!

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I wish I was amoral, so I could be rich.


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If he's both Taiwanese and claims to be a citizen, that would make him a naturalized citizen. So difficulty with English isn't surprising. Being from Taiwan, animosity towards the PRC is also not surprising. Though I suspect that animosity was just an easy-to-claim alibi.

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Plot twist: the weed was shooting the gun.

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