I can't be the first to comment. If I am fuck that raiders of the lost ark Nazi.

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It's too bad #MoscowMitch broke his shoulder.

Thoughts and prayers, motherfucker.

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I started watching Band of Brothers this past week. Remember when we fought a war to get rid of Nazis? Last night I saw the episode where they came upon a concentration camp. And cried.

And fuckshit just finally spoke about the mass shootings and blamed video games, mental illness and called for the death penalty. No surprise that vile piece of shit took no responsibility for his instigating violence, talking about immigrants as an infestation

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I heard it happened from shrugging off mass shootings. Or maybe he misjudged the opening as he was diving back into his shell?

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The real problem I see with labelling mass shootings as terrorism is that they follow a stereotype- I'm tempted to say archetype, in the fully Jungian sense- of a "lone warrior" making a last stand. Given that context, my guess is that they would resist or resent the idea that they follow "orders" from an organized group or movement, even if such arguments were of value to their defense (pretty close to what happened with McV). What we are looking at is more like genuine madness of the crowd.

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This is The Turner Diaries in a nutshell- the white terrorists Book of the Month every month.

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