I think he did something really unpresidential, like, he probably read reports there. Whadda dork!

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Are there stairs? He's afraid of stairs.

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He will try to use the insurrection act and martial law to "postpone" elections. And I suspect the present Supreme Court will OK him doing so. And the 2 new Supreme Court Justices he puts in in the next 4 years will end America for a very long time.

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Uh huh. I'm sure the Secret Service told him that in the same way that parents tell their kids they're going to the water park while driving to the dentist.

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America. Gonna miss it.

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Ah, that makes sense.

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"But the Insurrection Act makes an exception to the Posse Comitatus rules..." I'm not an attorney, but if the Insurrection Act was passed in 1807 and the Posse Comitatus in 1878, isn't it sort of the other way around?

Was the Posse Comitatus passed to kill the last gasp of Reconstruction?

I believe George Washington used troops to suppress a rebellion. There was the Whiskey Rebellion and Shay's Rebellion and I get those two mixed up.

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If you have Pepper Balls will penicillin help?

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Probably because too many on the police force don't consider harassing black people a "waste of time."

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OK now, I can't sit and look at this all day...

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As others have pointed out, even if we scream "Trump can't do that!" he doesn't CARE about what he is supposedly allowed/not allowed to do. He's pretty sure he can do whatever he wants. And as long as the people he's ordering around listen to him, and as long as Congress/Republicans/his supporters refuse to hold him accountable...he kinda CAN do whatever he wants. TRUMP sure as shit isn't going to follow any stupid law or listen to naysayers and limit himself if no one is actually going to make him face political/legal repercussions.

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Could we stop giving Trump any credit for strategic planning? He isn't considering any of that. Someone, probably Barr, told him about the Insurrection Act, and painted it as Trump in charge of troops marching into every city, their only goal to fulfill his will. If people start insisting that he take responsibility for everything that occurs because of his decisions, he'll just whine about how unfair they're being to him.

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I knew a guy who was a lieutenant in the National Guard in 1970 and assigned to the Kent State uprisings. He'd never been to Kent before, but he loved the town, and he eventually moved there and opened a business.

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How does this paint him in a better light? The Secret Service looks out the window and decides that RIGHT NOW would be a good time to make sure that the President was familiar with all the features in his custom bunker?

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Well, he wasn't too thrilled when that African American who wasn't his did it.

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