That is scary. I don't give a rat's ass what label someone on the left slaps on themselves when they run for office. Liberal, progressive, Democrat, socialist, Democratic Socialist, none of that means shit to me. How the platform they run on aligns wuth what I want is more important than their label.

I do care about results and being able to work with peers to get those results. Tea Party 2.0, The Left, is not appealing in yje least. I do care about having some kind of workable plan to achieve those wanted results.

I'll vote for the Democratic Socialist if they are the better candidate to get things done. I will not vote for the candidate that relies on fairy dust and magic in the plan or has a plan that relies on what the world ought to be instead of what the world is. If I wanted to deal with made up bullshit instead of actual objective reality, I would be a GOPer.

So I ask again, stop poking or what? You'll continue to make up ways to pretend you're aggrieved? You'll vote for the GOPer to teach everyone a lesson? You'll stay home because you don't get your pony right now? You'll insist on candidates that can't win a general election where they are running?

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Fine. Believe whatever you want. I'm more American than you.

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Or else you lose your conservative, corporate Democratic congressmen and senators, and they will be replaced by Democratic Socialists.

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I voted for the Green party candidate. I didn't put Trump anywhere.

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Juvenile is tRump's MO.

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And in 2053 the US can topple any democratically elected govt of Iran to celebrate the coup that it organised in 1953 that put the Shah back in charge. That is the one single act that made the mess you fuckers have tried to sort out for 70 years. All to make sure that you don't pay too much for gasoline. Use those fucking nukes Donny. The price of gas will be like up 6,000% overnight, but you will have showed them but good.

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Ima just leave this right here. See you in the streets.


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However we may say goodbye, and we may definitely say a lie and hurt you.

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And Hillary Clinton was the warmonger.

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Have at it. I took the picture when I was California last.

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As recently as March of this year, Bolton fantasized in a Wall Street Journal op-ed about toppling the Iranian government before the 40th anniversary of the 1979 revolution so America can "reverse the shame" of the hostage crisis, and he's never given any indication that he sees any particular risk in going to war to do that.

Awww. Who'd a thunk John Bolton was such a sentimental softy?

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and bahrain too no? as an oppressed majority? much like iraq before...well us.

and the mirror opposite of syria if memory serves.

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Hope it’s not too late, but I used vinegar, baking soda and Epsom salts in a pan, soaked it overnight and it came out very well.

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