Sounds like you're making progress, actually. If she agrees he legitimately lost, yet he continues to claim otherwise, that's a falsehood - which her daddy sky god is not too keen on. Maybe drop one or two of these on her, let them sink in a bit:
Of course not. If repugs lose the midterms, it will only be because of demonrat vote fraud, of course. Nothing is ever their fault, much less is their god-emperor ever to blame for anything.
I know the base will never abandon him, I was thinking of the GQP leader and candidates who are still chasing him. The Mitch McConnell faction must be getting pretty sick of Shitler's antics by now.
When they're looking for the folks who "got all the money", (somehow!), they always zero in on the people who have none. It's a long-range, devious plan by the poors.
OMG, a talking beaver!
Stereotypes gotta start somewhere and smarmy southern politicians are an old and well worked trope for a reason.
Sounds like you're making progress, actually. If she agrees he legitimately lost, yet he continues to claim otherwise, that's a falsehood - which her daddy sky god is not too keen on. Maybe drop one or two of these on her, let them sink in a bit:
Of course not. If repugs lose the midterms, it will only be because of demonrat vote fraud, of course. Nothing is ever their fault, much less is their god-emperor ever to blame for anything.
Well it's a damn good thing the Republicans are not in disarray, like the Democrats always are.
R'Amen, so mote it be.
How can these "Christians" not thinkT**** is going to hell for all the lies he's told?
And that's why Dems need to appeal to emotion in their campaigning.
She is way tougher than Will and he admits it.
As long as TFG continues to be a racist piece of shit, his base will stick with him.
Trump, the "kingmaker"!! *snicker*
Gotta be.
I know the base will never abandon him, I was thinking of the GQP leader and candidates who are still chasing him. The Mitch McConnell faction must be getting pretty sick of Shitler's antics by now.
I guess if you want "evidence" you gotta "do your own research"!
When they're looking for the folks who "got all the money", (somehow!), they always zero in on the people who have none. It's a long-range, devious plan by the poors.
Why isn't voting considered speech?