Of course, the Congress critters who chickened out will just cheer this on.

It is hard to depend on the others on the Republican side. Lindsay and McCain growl loudly and fold.

Do they really want our people in Qatar to be obliterated? If not, now is the time to step up to the plate, not later because once it happens, hey, presto, it's the new normal!

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Yeah, but Hitler at least had focus. As McCarthy biographer Richard Rovere put it: "Hitler had a program for the coming millennium; McCarthy had no program for tomorrow morning."

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To be fair, why, given The New Normal, why are we harshing Marc Kasowtiz's mellow?

Did he lose a fortune bankrupting casinos (that's right casinos!)

OK, the cocktail waitress seems a bit sleazy but did he actually marry a woman who provably at the very least shot soft-core lesbian porn and install her as the First Lady of the United States?

OK, the heavy, heavy, heavy, really drinking thing seems iffy but did he open a door and Donald Trump Senior cold-cocked him?

Was he caught on videotape bragging about sexually assaulting women?

If the New Normal is defined by Trumpism, this guy fits right in.

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Yeah, you and Rovere are right. As always, I gotta be fair.

The decline. Sad!

Hitler - Thousand Year Plan

McCarthy - Day Planner.

Roy Cohn - Hoping from hour to hour to pretend not to have AIDS.

Trump - A few synapses firing randomly at 3 a.m.

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Orange suits him yet nothing quite wipes the smug smile off of his face.

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Once again, I must rise to the defense of my brother by another mother-fucker, Marc Kasowitz.

Everybody knows that at 10 pm, or a little before, you get to cuss out the bitches and stupid, fucking cunts. Everybody knows this. It's in the MGTOW New Normal Manual.

It was at the very end of a long day with a very hot cocktail waitress and a huge binge.

I intend to nopologize at some time in the future or not, whatever.

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Thank you for the horrific mental image of Trump fucking the eighteenth hole at Mar-a-Lago.

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Breakfast and pre-breakfast. And pre-pre-breakfast.

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Aw fuck. Now I will never become a respected Mob Lawyer?

Another dream dashed!

(Do I still get to shtup the cocktail waitresses? Just askin'.)

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Handing more rope to the hangman are they? Sweet.

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"If I were guilty, I wouldn't show you how to tie a noose, like I used on those slightly under one hundred Dalmatian puppies..."

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Yes, Dreyfus and birth certificate and Kenyan Secret Muslim too; all that does seem kind of naturally up the Witchfinder General's warped alley. As for all that Benghazi, e-mails, lock her up, Hillary is a demon (Alex Jones, I believe), it is witch hunting to the deranged max. These people can project to a degree that a boring man of the 1950s with a thousand holiday slides could not begin to approach. I cannot believe the times we are living in! I just can't!

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My immediate thought was that this was probably one of the asshats yammering on about how HRC lacked stamina, and yet the boy can't even be trusted to answer emails after 10pm.

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Every day brings something new, today's was before 7 am so there could be more later. I can't imagine how this will end. I'm inclined to think it will all blow over except Mueller has put together a team of hard core prosecutors. That is my one hope.

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I thought the same thing. All the things used against him seem to be personal issues. But did you see his emails to someone who questioned him? He's a hot head of the Trump variety so there is probably much more.

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I keep misreading this as Fortinbras. If memory serves, that's the guy who gets to clean up Denmark after Hamlet. Seems appropriate.

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