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I disagree. it's a proximity issue. They don't care until their bowling team/bridge partner dies or suffers terriible damagte and then it gets real. Someone else's nana versus YOUR nana. It's coming

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See Steve Bannon who wants to "destroy the administrative state"

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He really is an idiot.

And the worst kind, because he doesn't know how stupid he is

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But, the only reason why mail-on votes may not be counted in a timely manner is because the Trumpsters are ratfucking the USPS!

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College degree fraudster, real estate developer, what more do you need to know>

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Fraud is also setting up a bogus company called "All County Building Supply & Maintenance" to launder your father's wealth without having to pay taxes on it.

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Remedial real estate sales methods.

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I just got back from the post office. I bought some stamps with Gwen Ifill from the PBS News Hour on them! I talked to Joyce who works there. She doesn't seem concerned about what's going on, and she's been working at the Post Office for 35 years. I think she sees DeJoy as a gadfly who doesn't have the loyalty of postal workers. This whole ordeal will blow up in Drumpf's face.

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Kamala won't be saying it.

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that's just evidence of a person (one among millions, possibly billions) who doesn't understand (or hopes you are one) that you can't prove a thing does not exist!

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all you have to do is check his consumption of duck tape.

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sometimes the gish gallop gets so bad that you forget some issues because you are trying so hard to just stay somewhere near the topic.

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face-to-face? . . . why do you want to see Jake in jail for strangling meadows with his own entrails?

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Ya know, COVID-19 is bad. But it's not "collapse in the streets and die" bad. It is not "There's a shortage of coffins" bad.

If you can vote in person, put on your fershlugginer mask and vote in person.

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My very intention. We can early vote here and I will. I can't stand around for a long time, so I'll rent a wheel chair or one of those walkers with seats and I'll be there as long as it takes. My whole family will be there too. Only one grandson and one great grandson are too young to vote.

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